A spiritual life is not about getting guidance on how to stay safe in this world. A spiritual life means that you excavate your false gods, fears, and illusions that hold you prisoner. You face these false powers and free yourself from them. Facing personal myths and purging yourself of addictions or manipulative habits require strength, courage, humility, faith and other qualities of a soul with stamina, because you are not just changing yourself, you’re changing the Universe.
Yearly Archives: 2017
Strive for freedom or be happy where you are?
WWYD? Watching Haven on Netflix. In season 5 one of the characters gets stuck in a purgatory like place with a dozen other people. He knows there is a way to get out of it but he needs the help of a few others to do it. Except everyone else in there is insistent that there is no way out and that the only way to make it through life there is to accept where they are and make the best of it. So which would you do? Would you keep working to remedy the situation for the good of everyone or would you stop striving to get out and make the best of it where you are?
Betsy DeVos as United States Secretary of Education
The 50 senators who opposed Betsy DeVos as United States Secretary of Education represent 179,381,386 people, while the 50 senators who supported her represent only 143,064,962 individuals. Scary how the system works but it is what it is. This election cycle has taught us a lot about the current system. I’m sure there are a lot of changes in the works and we will see it in upcoming years. My mom once told me “don’t expect life to be fair” but that if I remain flexible and morph with the changes, I can have a happy life no matter what. So far, so good.
Scary how the system works?
A Facebook friend wrote, “The 50 senators who opposed DeVos represent 179,381,386 people, while the 50 senators who supported her represent only 143,064,962 individuals. Scary how the system works.”
It might seem scary but it is what it is. This election cycle has taught us a lot about the current system and gotten us to move on important issues. I’m sure there are a lot of changes in the works and we will see it in upcoming years. My mom once told me “don’t expect life to be fair” but that if I remain flexible and morph with the changes, I can have a happy life no matter what. So far, so good.
The shed is empty again!
I just made curtains for the windows in the shed! It now houses all my scrap wood and empty plant pots and gives me counter space for working on projects. I appreciated it storing all the extra furniture and furnishings the last 20 years. I’m glad I emptied it out because I was no longer using that stuff. Now I value having the empty space so when I want to build something or work on something I can just carry it into the shed and start working on it instead of clearing a spot to work on and trying to do it in cramped quarters. One of the first things I’ll do is I have some translucent hurricane shutter material. I’m going to cut it to fit each of the shed windows so that in the summertime when the windows are closed it will seal the heat out and still let the light through. It used to have an air conditioning unit in it. If I find I need to, I can always stick a window unit in again.
I clear my shed of 25 years of storage
I woke today from an odd and complex dream about walking through a large open building and opening doors and windows. It was deja vu when I stepped into the shed to work and the first thing I did was open the doors and windows. I’ve spent the past two months clearing the shed of 25 years worth of furniture and furnishings (and old Horizons magazines!) I was no longer using. It now houses all my scrap wood and empty plant pots and gives me counter space and floor space for working on projects. I value having empty space so when I want to build something or work on something I can just carry it into the shed and start working on it instead of having to clear a spot to work on and trying to do it in cramped quarters. We replaced some indoor lighting, updated the security lights and replaced the locks. One thing I’ll do is use some translucent hurricane shutter material cut to fit each of the shed windows so that in the summertime when the windows are closed it will seal the heat out and still let the light through. It’s well built so the moisture doesn’t settle in. The shed used to have an air conditioning unit in it. If I need to, I can always stick a window unit in again. Today I made curtains for the windows. The shed sits in a woodsy part of the property, so the curtains are a jungle scene with red and yellow parrots. The curtains make it kind of cozy in there. I feel like a kid with a new playhouse.
Watching it unfold, 26 days in
Recognizing someone has a serious mental illness and is expressing in unhealthy and dangerous ways. It’s good to know that those with authority to do so are taking remedial steps. It’s easy to hate someone who acts in despicable ways but when you can recognize they have a mental illness and the emotional maturity of a child, it’s easier to feel compassion. Saying prayers that everyone in the situation gets the help they need. Let the healing begin. For all of us.
Arm is healed! I’m back to playing in the yard.
For the first time in months I got to play in my yard today. I’ve been babying my left arm and not using it and it’s pretty much healed up completely. So today for the first time in months as I was walking around the yard I reached down and was picking up deadfall and pulling up wedelia as I walked around watering just before sunset. I swept the driveway and raked leaves in the east garden. I took it easy but it was good to do simple ordinary daily things like that again. I cut a few branches of my ginger plant because it was in the pathway between the front door and the shed, but it grows like a weed. I live in Paradise.
Resistance is not about being a sore loser it’s about standing up for the Constitution and our rights as Americans
Chuck Lorre #541 Big Daddy Can’t Save Us
I love the Chuck Lorre Productions vanity cards after the end of each of their shows. Here’s #541 “Don’t be fooled. Big Daddy can’t save us. Our salvation lies within ourselves. Within our own ingenuity and determined effort. ‘Make America great again’ is a bumper sticker for victimhood. But we are not victims. We are the creators of opportunity. Sure the system’s rigged. It always has been. So what?! We are a nation of immigrants who have consistently ignored the rigging. You won’t let us join your club? %#&@ you, we’ll start our own club. You won’t let us go to your school? %#&@ you, we’ll start our own school. You won’t let us earn money your way? %#&@ you, we’ll earn it our way. You won’t give us a chance here? %#&@ you, we will go elsewhere. You want to know what makes America great? I got two words for you.” Chuck Lorre Productions