Monthly Archives: July 2016

Start being kind and see how your life improves

dog with roseWhat if you knew that all the mean things you say to people you feel have offended you come right back to you and your loved ones in the form of life problems and (what looks like) bad luck? Karma is simply bringing back around what you put in motion. And what if all you had to do to stop the momentum was to start being kind, begin giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, stop being so quick to judge a situation, and inform yourself about it first? What if instead of inciting friends to riot saying “Let’s put that mofo out of business,” upon hearing one (pissed off) side of a story, how about asking yourself, “What is it in me that is so offended and why? Is it possible I’m misunderstanding something?” How can I help diffuse this situation? How can I bring peace to this situation? How can I be of help?
Begin and see your problems fade away like smoke on wind.    
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Break The Cycle: Racists only know what they were taught

If you'd been told all your life that little bunnies would attack you and rip your heart out, you'd grow up afraid of them, too

If you’d been told all your life that bunnies would hunt you down to attack and kill you and rape your mother and children, you’d grow up afraid of them, and wanting to get them before they got you, right?

We’re evolving, slowly but steadily. People who are afraid of other cultures, races and genders have been taught fear. They have lived a life of extremely limited real world experience, often in a small town with little cosmopolitan influence.  They only know what the fearful ones around them have told them is true.  The following question helped me understand how fear is birthed and how racism comes to be. If a person spent the entirety of their life inside of a pitch dark cave being told every day that the sun was a source of evil, how would they feel after being dragged into daylight? The racist south wasn’t something that appeared overnight...” It’s not easy to change your mind about what your folks told you to discriminate against. They believed they were keeping you from harm by keeping “them” out.    Continue reading

When we hate, we give someone else the power

When we hate someone, we give them power to disturb our peace. Why give someone so much power? I’ve got a few folks griping at me right now but I understand where they’re coming from. They don’t know what I know. It’s not my job to school them. When I turn my attention to the butterfly in flight, I stop feeling the pain of the caterpillar as he labors in the cocoon.   Continue reading

To everyone who’s unhappy with the endorsement

snake gift box

“Sanders hasn’t officially conceded – something the mainstream papers and TV news pundits have still not bothered to mention. While Sanders had endorsed Clinton and relinquished his Secret Service protections – he has not dropped out of the race or freed his delegates. He will still be going to the Philadelphia convention. It’s still not too late.”  The Sanders Endorsement Backfires on Hillary Clinton 


Practice ignoring it to bring peace of mind

hair in faceMy life is a constant lesson. I can be slow putting 2+2 together. I don’t always consider consequences to my actions. My hair has been in my face for days driving me crazy. Then I remembered I cut a chin length layer into it last week. It looks great but I keep flipping it off my face like a 13 year old. It’s good practice for seeing what I can ignore in order to give myself peace of mind. Hard to ignore something that keeps smacking you in the face, huh, even if it’s something you brought on yourself.

Computer games can motivate and boost your mood

I can no longer knock computer games as idle and unproductive. Studying the limbic system (our emotional brain,) I now know why people play computer games. Playing the game stimulates dopamine production. You get points by activating the “seek and find” mechanism and your dopamine surges each time you get the points. That’s what happens when Benny the Cat hunts as well, that’s what happens when we strive to meet quotas (or nail new chicks).
meet-your-happy-chemicals-dopamine-serotonin-endorphin-oxytocin-2-638That happens with our FitBits and To Do Lists, too. We set a goal of steps then keep checking to see how close we are to it. That little delighted Ummph we feel is as a result of our dopamine surging.

RELATED:  Meet Your Happy Brain Chemicals by Loretta Breuning, Ph.D.
RELATED:  Rewiring the emotional brain

RELATED:  The Zen of Farmville on Facebook?
RELATED:  Letting kids entertain themselves with video games hinders their ability to learn and express emotion

Benny didn’t grow up thinking Mouse Lives Matter

cat miniblinds hole BenBenny is tired of hearing Lizard Lives matter, Bird Lives matter, Mouse Lives matter. Yeh, yeh he knows “all lives matter” but the hunt is in his blood. His mom was a hunter, his dad was a hunter. He saw them bring home lizards and birds and mice and so he figured that was what he was supposed to do, too. Nobody told him any different. It happens to us humans, too. It’s not his fault he thinks the way he does.  But tell that to the lizard, tell that to the bird, tell that to the mouse.     Continue reading