The chakras are energy centers in the body which correspond to our nervous system. Since energy is in motion, it is essential that our chakras stay open and aligned. If there is a blockage, energy slows and problems manifest in our physical body and in our outer life with others. Here are the Basic Balance / Imbalance Signs Of Each Chakra:
The First (Base/Root) Chakra: is located at the base of the spine. This center is our will-to-live, our drive to survive. It is our ground though which we gain power, stability and growth. It represents activity and movement and is associated with the legs, feet, hips, colon, rectum, bones, the adrenals, the immune system and the blood. The color is red and the musical note is C.
When this chakra is balanced, we have physical vitality and strength, we feel connected to nature. We are happy with our home, with our job, we feel passion, we are trusting, we feel we have enough, we feel safe and secure. We intuitively trust that life will be generous in offering us endless opportunities. We’re honest, we keep agreements and honor commitments. Continue reading