Monthly Archives: January 2015

Do you think about this stuff, too?

To what extent do you think we participate in creating the reality we experience? Do we attract people and situations to us, or are happenings just random? How do we attract them? By our thoughts? By karma? What is karma?  How about prayer and ritual? Does it work? If so, how does it work? Do angels or astral elementals make it happen? Does God make it happen? Do we make it happen? Are we God? Who decides which answer is accurate? What about free will? Does that exist or is that an illusion, too? Or do you even think about this stuff?

Today I cleared 212 emails, 174 to go ** woot **

My problem is I’ll open something then ‘save as new” so I can review it more fully when I have time later. Kind of like before I had the dishwasher, I’d rinse something out and place it back in the sink to be washed fully later, essentially creating twice as much work for myself. In 2015 I hope to do less of that. And if you’re waiting for an email answer from me the past year, send it again please.

Shifting Energy with Your Thoughts

Despite the rock-solid appearance of things in physical experience, everything is energy. And in order to change a stubborn, unwanted situation, I must approach it beyond the physical level. I must shift the energy of it. How do I do that? By my thoughts. I can use my thoughts to change the energy of any circumstance – lack of money, illness, loneliness, work overload, hateful people, low self-worth, or lack of purpose, for instance. In fact, I came into physical expression fully aware I was entering a mixed-bag world full of things I would want and things I wouldn’t want to touch with a ten-foot pole. That was A-OK by me, for I knew the power of my thoughts. And now I’m remembering what I once clearly knew. Every time I encounter a persistent, unwanted situation, I can transmute the energy of it by asking, “What do I want here?” The answer might be more money, good health, companionship, a manageable workload, enjoyable people around me, self-confidence, or a sense of fulfillment and meaning. When I use what I don’t want as a trigger to think of what I do want, I transmute energy. It may take a little while for the results of my efforts to show up in physical reality, but it will be dramatically worth the wait.  Soulsongs by Karen Money Williams  #416 Beneath The Surface

The manly man saved the day!

mighty mouse I ran out this morning forgetting I had soup on the stove although I’d set two timers. I remembered 10 miles down the road. He stopped everything in the midst of doing a giant work project, went to my place and broke in under my instruction and turned down the stove.  My hero!  This was a real test for me. I resist ever asking anyone help me do anything.  I’d typically never ask when I know they are in the midst of something else.  It was a good lesson in surrender for me.

I always have to take care not to judge prematurely

Keep silent or tell a truth that may save unknowing friends from heartache? Is that interference with their karmic lessons? Or do friends give friends the heads up? WWYD?  We may be judging someone prematurely. It could be they have returned to the area to make amends to those they’ve harmed in the past, to wipe the slate clean, to acknowledge their past actions and make it right with everyone involved. It could be they just didn’t get around to that part yet. It’s never too late. Our current relationships are only as conscious as how we left our previous ones, all of them, professional, personal, friends, lovers, family.  And to anyone I’ve ever knowingly or unknowingly disrespected, my only excuse was acting out of ignorance and I’m sorry. Feel free to ask for a public apology.  A friend remarked, “Forgive yes, for ourselves… but still use discernment. If someone truly has changed, their heart will not let them NOT apologize and
open the channels of communication so that all involved are able to heal. You can’t pretend nothing ever happened and sweep it under a rug. Think of the 12 step program. In apologizing the person who did the wrong is set free and gets the true healing.

New healer in town? Let the healing begin

healing stoneMichael Bradford is back on the Space Coast! The theme for readings this weekend has been “It’s deja vu all over again!” Twenty years ago, a self-proclaimed healer strolled into town, actively seeking a divinely inspired partner and soul mate. After many simultaneous secret relationships and taking financial advantage in the name of “healing,” he left a stormy wake in his path. Now he’s back. A friend let me know he has an ad on the local Cragislist seeking a best friend and fun mate, and he’s been to the POD, Creative Energy, Aquarian Dreams, What You Love To Do and the Thai Buddhist Temple. To anyone having that karma to clear up, consider it a blessing and let the healing begin.  Living in the same town for 30 years and getting to hear so many personal stories behind the scenes, I have more chance than most to recognize the patterns and the cycles when they come around. It’s like living many lifetimes at once, witnessing karma in action as an observer. It’s not my job to police what anyone else is doing nor determine what their karma with anyone might be. I know how tempting it can be to have a handsome, engaging man in front of you spouting spiritual truths and telling you they can heal you. I see it happen from time to time and I wrote about it here –> Guru or soulmate?  Continue reading

Grilling squash in my new grill pan

grill panI’m loving my new Rachael Ray anodized aluminum grill pan.  For lunch yesterday I made turmeric cinnamon jasmine rice and grilled zucchini and yellow squash in the grill pan. Maybe it was the grill marks distracting me, but it seemed to carmelize up quickly and taste better than simply sauteed.  I sliced them into thin planks for maximum grilling surface. A spritz of olive oil onto the grill, then onto the planks themselves.  Sprinkle crushed or dried rosemary, basil, tarragon, salt and pepper. Who knew a couple of squash could be so grilled squashyummy and satisfying?  Then I created the perfect dessert, also in the grill pan: I sliced a banana into planks and lightly grilled it, then tossed in a half handful of fresh raspberries and raisins. I added a little water to plump up the raisins. It was delicious, much better than a bowl of ice cream. And zero fat or added sugar.

Paul Mattfeld Memorial Service Sunday 10am January 11

Spiritualist Chapel of Melbourne’s long time President, Paul Mattfeld crossed into spirit at 1 AM on Friday, January 2, 2015. There will be a Memorial Service for Paul on January 11, 2015, at 10:00 AM at The Spiritualist Chapel of Melbourne, 1924 Melody Lane, Melbourne, 32901 (this is the Easternmost small band practice building behind the Melbourne Auditorium). Open to all who wish to attend.

I use my writing practice to show me who I Am

bloggingWriting relaxes me.  I don’t know the mechanics of why that is, but writing relaxes me.  At People who writeOne study found that blogging might trigger dopamine release, similar to the effect from running or listening to music.”  I do get a high of sorts when I write.  Blogging gives me a focus that helps organize my thoughts.   When I sit to write, I look at what I’ve been energetically taking in and I decide what I want to keep, what to write about and what to discard.  These moments of quiet reflection allow me to cutivate my thought field, to keep it freshly plowed and ready for new seeding.  I find if I am not mindful, if I don’t reflect and write about what is happening and how I feel about what is happening, it is easy for that thought field to become hard and crusted over with the thoughts, beliefs, angers and resentments of yesterday.   That’s when I find myself being close minded.  The act of writing lulls me into that mind space of feeling expanded and open, of dropping away concerns and seeing more clearly any outstanding issues.  Continue reading