Monthly Archives: January 2015

Clearing up your credit will help you clear up your life

I came home to four new calls looking for an ex. A heads up: Debt collectors go after you for years when you default on loans. Plus It’s uncool leaving your wife with the mortgage and the credit card debt and giving my number out for calls about it. Maybe you don’t want credit or a car or a house now but in the future you may. Go to and check your credit for free. Your world changes when you get your debt under control.

A thought on WE TV’s Marriage Boot Camp

I Just watched WE TV’s Marriage Boot Camp. It must be tough to have no discipline over your emotions, to have friends and family always on eggshells waiting for you to go off. It must be just as exhausting to do it as it is to watch it.  But that’s what fuels these reality shows.  Apparently it’s what people want to watch.  What I like about Marriage Boot Camp is the goal is personal growth and emotional healing.  Becoming aware of what you are doing and discovering why you continue the pattern.  More importantly, they hold counseling sessions with the participants to give them the tools to remedy their issue.  I love that the issues are universal ones.  That means many of the viewers can relate and perhaps begin to heal their own issues, simply because they saw a show on tv.

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I get a Real Housewife as a Client
The Real Housewives are all such mean girls
You’re Cut Off: 9 Bratty Women with Bad Attitudes
The Real Housewives of NJ bring me a 14x windfall
The Real Housewives of NJ and other unreal reality shows 
Real Housewives – Insecure Mean Girls Who Never Grew Up
Real Housewives: When the personality overshadows the soul

The Real Housewives of Orange County and Lynne’s Eviction Notice
A Psychic Reads the Auras of the Real Housewives of Orange County
Real Housewives of Atlanta: Apollo admits he lied and kept it up for two years

How to stop the cycle of weight gain while doing spiritual growth work

auraWhy did you start gaining weight when you began a spiritual practice? The metaphysical speakers will tell you you’re eating your emotions, you’re creating protection, and yada yada. More importantly, that’s when you began being aware there is an energy field, an astral environment around you, and that you can both influence and be influenced by this astral environment. Not only did you discover you had a huge super power (I can influence the thoughts of those around me) but also a huge responsibility (I need to monitor my thoughts and feelings so I am not caught up in the emotions of those around me and thus attract to myself a situation I do not want.)  Being bombarded with too much information at once with no time to process it is the same as eating too much and doing no exercise to process it. You become a bloated being who easily loses their balance. When you understand what it really is, the weight will stop being an issue.   Continue reading

How to attract a new job by watching tv

boy watching tvA friend is ready for a new job. I wanted to help her prepave the result she wanted to attract, using creative visualization.  I began the process by asking her: “What would you like to do, ideally, and where would you like to work? Let’s start there.  Tell me someone who has a job you would like.   This exercise requires you actually researching and discovering someone in the flesh that has a job you think you might enjoy. Doing that forces your mind to get more specific in its seeking, it forces your mind to ask questions and do research more detailed than in the past. So tell me who has a job that looks like fun and why you would like that job.  Yes, this is all an exercise but YOU benefit by it by getting what you’re focused on.”  Continue reading

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius Jan 21-Feb 11, 2015

retrograde meansMercury goes retrograde January 21 – February 11, 2015 in Aquarius.  To learn how this will affect you, look to the area of your horoscope where Aquarius falls and expect to undergo some revision in that department for the next several weeks.  In general, this is a time for all of us to rethink our long-term goals, as in your 5-10-20-year plans. Aquarius rules the bigger wishes and dreams, plus the tribe and social networks that take us there. All of this is up for review now. If you don’t like where your life is heading, take time to reassess under this retrograde.  On the fun side, old friends and tribe members could suddenly reappear in your life after a long absence. If they do, they’re probably returning to help you redefine your future mission statement. This is also a time when we’re reflecting upon where we belong in the greater whole. If we don’t feel like we’ve found “our people” as in kindred souls with similar values and goals, this is a chance to really reflect on what’s out of alignment or what we need to do to find our crew.   Continue reading

2016 Mercury Retrograde Dates – what does it mean?

retrograde-meansJanuary 5 – 24, 2016 in Aquarius
When Mercury goes retrograde, that’s the time to slow down to notice changes you’d like to make, but you’ll wait to correct them after Mercury has gone direct.  During the retrograde, your time is best spent looking back in review – not looking forward. Astrologers say do not apply for a loan during this time, or interview for a new job.  Do not take a first date seriously. Do not begin a new partnership.  Hold off on romance.  Mates from the past may reappear, or perhaps just past relationship baggage will cloud your thought processes – and the new relationship.  Retrograde isn’t the time to break up or otherwise decide on a new direction in relationships. If you have to have “the talk,” hold off until Mercury goes direct.   Even if things have taken a turn for the worst, when Mercury goes direct, you could pick up where you left off.  That can be the good news and the bad news. Either way, it gives you the chance to make a clean break and smooth over the messy outburst neither of you intended 3 weeks ago. A retrograde is not the time to set a date or finalize any important plans, as they’ll likely end up needing redoing.  If you enter into contracts, make sure you read the fine print. This will save you much time and money later.

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She’s ready to take vows with a serial vow breaker

At yesterday’s psychic fair, I did 3 readings where the women had been waiting to marry their married lover, one for 5 years. In each case, they’d been living together but he was legally married to someone else. Two didn’t want to be ordered to pay child support or joint debt, one didn’t want to talk to his ex. Two of them are planning their weddings for this year. A good judge of character is how someone has left the partners they’ve previously made vows with, and what their relationship is with the mother of their children. As much as you want it to be different with you, don’t be surprised when it’s not.
RELATED: Would you marry your married lover?

We call certain people into our lives to awaken and reheart us, but that doesn’t mean they are the beloved

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

Ecstasy and love are not the same thing. We often get them confused. There are some connections that open us so wide that we cannot help but call them love. But they may not be. They may just be a transcend-dance, an invitation to delight, the heart opening that we so desperately needed after years encased in armor. We call certain people into our lives to awaken us, to reheart us, but that doesn’t mean they are the beloved. If a love is real, it is a portal to the everything, excavating light and shadow from their hiding places. The glory and the gory rise in unison, calling us to the sky and the earth in one fell swoop. Love is far more than floating to the heavens on a dreamy magic carpet. Love is sustainable. Love is inclusive. Love has feet that walk it through time. Jeff Brown

Listen when the soul calls, new worlds await when you step out of drama

hands diamonds falling intoA reading last night that is a universal scenario: You’ve caught him lying again and told him what you expect of him if you are going to remain in the relationship and he keeps doing it and asking for second chances? That’s because he doesn’t care enough to make a change and he knows you’ll likely do nothing about it. Period. He’s willing to go along with the program as long as you’re handling everything. How long are you willing to to live this way? Drop the rock in your hands and the Universe will fill it with diamonds.  Two friends after reading this sent me messages that this note was speaking to them. It’s hard when we love someone, when we remember how they used to be, when we remember how WE used to be, when we think of their potential and see it all going down the drain. It’s hard when everyone is in a form of depression because they haven’t found that spark that gives their life meaning, they have nothing really that they want to wake up for in the mornings. That’s the soul calling out to you. You need to expect and believe you will somehow be cared for and guided to make good decisions and hard choices. You need to trust that you will be fine and there are people around you right now that can help you make the change and make the move. These can seem insurmountable when you have to walk out of a situation you’ve gotten used to.  Cut the cord.  You can always pick it back up later if it feels right, after you’ve had a break from the energy.  But know what’s a lifeline and what’s an anchor.