Yearly Archives: 2012

Friday the 13th and a Recession-Proof Life

Just another lucky day

Friday the 13th has always been a lucky day for me. Maybe that’s because as a teenager I went through that rebellion stage where I wanted to think and do the opposite of everything I was told.  That included making Friday the 13th be a lucky day for me.  I see now that by me doing that, I was each Friday the 13th constantly looking for the positive aspects of the day.  I was anticipating days before wondering what kind of good things would come my way.  So was it really my lucky day, or did it just become my lucky day due to my belief that it was and my expectation that it would continue?  Either way, I won. Continue reading

If only the innocent will survive the pending Armageddon, why not just clean up my act?

For my buddies who spend their time on Facebook posting scary warnings about ET’s and impending doom, economic collapse, new world order and takeover by the “bad” aliens:  Cut out the stoopid sh*t and get your act together before you call that all down upon yourself. You’re already  unhappy with your life.  If only the innocent will survive the pending Armageddon, why not just clean up your act and then begin focusing on what you want and what you’d like?

The Universe likes leaving me alone with no outside counsel

I find it amusing that I am in a situation that I really can’t talk to anyone about, and the only persons I could talk to it about on all the levels it needs to be addressed and understood, are unavailable and will be for the duration of the dilemma.  LOL At least I recognize the Universe at play, keeping outside counsel at bay.

God alone suffices — St. Teresa of Ávila

Let nothing disturb thee; Let nothing dismay thee: All thing pass; God never changes. Patience attains All that it strives for. He who has God Finds he lacks nothing: God alone suffices.  St. Teresa of Ávila

Why I don’t mind when my man writes love songs about other women

A male friend and a fellow musician were playing music one day and I stayed in the room to listen.   After a favorite tune, he joked, “How does it make you feel when I sing love songs about other women?”  I smiled and said, “She was our angel since she brought us together. That can’t bother me.  Plus, if we’re really All One, what does it matter who is who?”

Waiting to hear is the hard part. Then it just is what it is.

I got some news last night that, even though I’d been prepared for it, made my body go violently ill for hours.  I knew it was a stress reaction, although it felt like a combination migraine and hot flash and stomach flu and seizure.  Even in the midst of it, I knew it was a stress reaction.  It’s been years since I’ve had that much stress then had it released.   My lifestyle the past 20 years is fairly chill and stress free. I find most stress comes, not from traumatic events, but from waiting to hear an outcome, waiting for a final decision.   Continue reading

Law of Attraction works even when you think the “wrong” thoughts

I got an email last week on the topic that I get the most inquiries about:  Law of Attraction — why am I getting what I’m getting and how do I attract what I want instead? The answer is simple but may take some fine tuning until you really understand what you’re doing and why.   Domino writes: I live in San Diego.  I am trying to use the law of attraction to get men to stop approaching me for sex.   I say affirmations several times a day:  “I am left alone when I am walking. I am left alone when I go shopping. It’s easy to say no. My boundaries are respected. Men have clean thoughts about me.”

Andrea responded:  Domino, with all due respect, these particular affirmations will not help you attract what you think you are attracting (or not.)  The thing most people get wrong about law of attraction is not being clear on what they are thinking and thus attracting.  With the above 5 sentences, the topic is clearly “I want to avoid being attacked.”  The focus is “walking alone, men overstepping boundaries due to their unclean thoughts.”  So just be aware that right now you’re a magnet for that.   Continue reading

Be careful sending blind copies of emails to friends

I just blind copied Lumen on an email I sent to Domino letting him know I know Lumen in real life since she’s job seeking and he has a position available.  What I didn’t think of is since he’s a mischevious friend of 30 years, he might inadvertently do a “reply all” and write some outrageously naughty something that also goes to Lumen.  I warned her that I’d done it and that Domino delights in his efforts to gross me out and he’s also an equal opportunity offender.  Friends, ya gotta love them in all their forms!

Oh, so YOU’RE the one with the social anxiety? No, that’s EVERYONE.

I just watched a show about teens with social anxiety: they don’t want to go in public as they think everyone is looking at them and judging them, or that everyone is talking about them behind their back.  Whether it’s youth or just lack of life experience, what they don’t realize is that nearly everyone feels that way.  They also don’t realize that everyone is so stuck in their own little thought bubble of self absorption and fear, that they’re not looking at YOU anyway, they are staring down at their toes the same as you are, avoiding eye contact for dear life.  God forbid we actually look at each other and acknowledge each other.  I counsel with so many people the past 20+ years that I see patterns in behavior that others don’t get to see.  I average maybe 50 people each month with an hour to tell me about their most important concern.  When I hear 5 or 10 people having similar detailed experiences, I begin to see the pattern.  And I see a lot of patterns in behavior.  It’s one reason I’m good at my job: if I can experience enough of something that it enables me to see patterns within it, that allows me to see the bigger picture.  The bigger picture here is that maybe 90% of us have social anxiety and we all think we’re the only one.  So instead of spending valuable time head tripping over what someone else is thinking, try instead to get out in public, smile and make eye contact, help others feel at ease.  Life is too short to waste it stuck within our four walls alone and unfulfilled.  It’s not always about you.  Try letting it be about someone else for a change.

Sessions with Andrea