Yearly Archives: 2012

Father’s Day and he can’t see his kids

Sunday is Father’s Day.  A friend of mine has two young children and an ex-wife who does everything she can to keep him from them.  This will be a somber Father’s Day for him.  He doesn’t have the funds to keep going back into court to file contempt orders to make her allow him visitation as ordered.  Attorneys fees have already depleted the savings and devastated the family financially.  His job is comes to a close in September.  His biggest concern right now, though, is he doesn’t know how he’ll get through Father’s Day this Sunday.   Continue reading

The headline reads: Brazilian Woman Wins Right To Masturbate At Work.

The provocative headline reads: Brazilian Woman Wins Right To Masturbate At Work.  Ana is a 36-year-old Brazilian woman who suffers from a chemical imbalance that triggers severe anxiety and hypersexuality. An accountant by day, Ana began to have problems at work, saying the only way to relieve her anxiety is by masturbating 18-47 times a day. After winning a court battle, Ana is allowed to masturbate and watch porn using her work’s computer.  I posted the story on Facebook, saying: “Another crazy and unnecessary lawsuit. If she developed her creative imagination skills, she wouldn’t have to use the company’s computer and no one would have been the wiser.”  And later, “”what a misery and hell it must be to be controlled by something you feel you have no control over, especially if it gets to this point. Whether she got to this point for attention or true need, the attorney fees may have been better spent in taking a retreat from her hectic life and being with professionals qualified to treat addictive behavior.”  One friend commented; ” WTF? This is a real spiritual topic.”  I responded, “It is. Per Wiki: “Spirituality refers to a subjective (inner, personal) reality… an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of their being, or the “deepest values and meanings by which people live. We learn who we are as we watch ourselves react to what those around us do and say.”

Think kindly, you never know who you’re judging

Yesterday, we went to Publix and parked behind a black sedan almost diagonal in the parking space. WTF?? Returned to the car and saw an elderly gentleman, barely moving along, begin to place groceries in the car.  When we first got there a woman with two children had a snide remark, like “the nerve that someone would park like this, it’s not like it’s a new Mustang or something.”  Roomi: “The reality was, he was doing good to get out of the house and make it to the store. It’s never as it appears. When you wait long enough, all answers will be revealed to you.”

Look at yourself and remember me.

“You have no idea how hard I have looked for a gift to bring You. Nothing seemed right. What’s the point of bringing gold to the gold mine, or water to the Ocean. Everything I came up with was like taking spices to the Orient. It is no good giving my heart and my soul because you already have these. So I have brought you a mirror. Look at yourself and remember me.”  Rumi

“Work” isn’t just where you earn dollars, work is where you make a difference in someone’s life

We can all use a hand up

Roomi and I were catching up yesterday after work and I asked, “How did your day go?  What did you do today?”  He responded, “I did nothing all day, I accomplished nothing.”  This from a man who just spent two hours helping me straighten out the shed and getting my two bicycles up and running.  This from a man who spends time at the computer each day blogging and responding to people who comment on his blog and email him about it.  I was amused he didn’t count that as work.  Work  isn’t just where you earn dollars, work is where you make a difference in someone’s life.  Work just isn’t the $10 an hour you make at your cashier job, or the $80k you make at your engineer job.  Work is also the contribution you make to those around you hour by hour, day by day, whether it be in your attitude, your kindness or your helpfulness.  The work you do to satisfy your own soul and serve others is your real work in the world.  Seva is a word used for selfless service, for work offered to God.  Your seva is your real work in the world.

It’s hard to tell my story without telling their story. How one yogi adjusts to being a householder.

You know how it is when you tell a story.  If anyone else is in the story, it’s their story too and they may not tell it the way you tell it.  I wrote a short post Why I don’t mind when my man writes love songs about other women. I thought: since we’re all friends, it would be fun to give everyone’s name and give the circumstances, since they were so synchronistic and of note. Of course, I couldn’t do that since not everyone cares to take everything public the way my bf and I have agreed to. I find the less secrets I have, the happier I am.  Maybe that’s just because there’s less to remember. Continue reading

I get feedback about a psychic reading that made the client depressed and afraid – there’s never a need to do that

I always ask people to give me feedback about which psychic readers they would and would not recommend, and why.  This is a letter I received last year.  “I got a reading with Rev DP. The reading left me depressed and angry because of what she told me was on my future and there was no way to change it. I was not not told about death or sickness but stuff  definitely unwelcome in my life. I was told I was going to write a book well I am not a writer or that committed to do such a thing. That my ex husband was very abusive verbally to me and that he was going to leave my life for good very angry and that the relationship with my boyfriend was over for good because he found somebody who was very compatible with but he would not marry her and that such relationship break up was protection from financial difficulties for myself. Instead my boyfriend and this woman were going to have horrible financial problems and one of them was going to move away. And that I was going to meet someone very intelligent with whom I was going to have a very steamy affair and we were going to be very in love with each other but for the meantime I was going to avoid him and that she could see me doing that.

Continue reading

Adjusting to sharing space

Yesterday my roommate was involved in a variety of projects which kept drawing my attention to what he was doing, rather than what I needed to be doing.  I told him it’s like watching the bunny do one cute thing after another. At at the end of the day — in box still full, calls unreturned, emails unanswered —  I realize I’ve done nothing all day except follow the flippin bunny.  And I wonder how I get off schedule?  My biggest occupational hazard has always been feeling as though I have no time to myself.  As a spiritual counselor, I connect with dozens of people each week and listen to their challenges and concerns.  If I’m not mindful, I can allow myself to fall into their vibe and let myself get caught up in their tension and worry.   If I do it enough, I can slow my income down to a trickle.  It only ever happens when I just let the hamster wheel run through my head, rather than stepping away and letting myself take time for conscious thought. Continue reading

Pujya Mataji is at Palm Bay thru June 9th.

Ma Yoga Shakti

Mataji, Ma Yogashakti is now in residence at the Palm Bay ashram.  There will be a full moon puja Monday, June 4, from 5-6pm.  Bring a piece of fruit, a flower and a pure heart. There will be meditation with Mataji on Thursday June 7 from 7-8pm.  Mataji says this will be her last visit.   Come bask in the presence of this holy teacher, whom we are blessed to have among us in the flesh. Mataji is one of 5 living female hindu saints documented in Daughters of the Goddess, The Women Saints of India authored by Linda Johnsen.  The Yogashakti Mission is located in Palm Bay at 3895 Hield Rd NW. Call 321-725 4024 and visit