Yearly Archives: 2012

A return to breathing and sleeping

The past couple of weeks, my roommate has been hacking, choking and wheezing his way through a respiratory thang and yesterday he finally got medical attention. He received a breath treatment in the office, a sample inhaler and prescription for another, and a prescription for antibiotics.  Yay for Publix having free antibiotics!  He got immediate relief, and slept through the night for the first time in weeks.  That meant I also slept through the night, because he wasn’t out there with the tv on, and in and out the doors all night.  While he had the cough, he breathed better when he stood and walked, which he did… all night long.  Last night for the first time in a long time I was able to close my eyes at 11pm and didn’t open them until 7:45am.  Wow.  Awesome experience!  It’s interesting to note that it’s not the volume of the tv that keeps me awake at night, it’s the fact of it being on and whatever signal comes from that.  It keeps me on high alert and wakes me up every hour or two.  It’s an occupational blessing and hazard, this sensitivity. Right now I’m just sitting and breathing and loving life.

More evidence that it’s all related

I was working in the Horizons Magazine website today and got another lesson in the   It’s all related department.  I split the one large file for Past Issues into four smaller files, and that meant all the links had to the revised.  That meant all the old links as well as the current links.  In my obsession to cross link everything, I’ve created quite a job for myself.  I do the same thing in life too.  I would do well to always remember that it’s all related – everything.

Disconnecting as the magic fades into mundanity

Domino complains that his mate no longer shares his interests.  She actually never did, she  just used to be so in love with him that she’d sit and smile stupidly at him for hours on end.  When he stopped giving her attention, she stopped giving him attention.  We always think it’s about anything other than that, don’t we?  We settle into a routine with each other and disconnect as the magic fades into mundanity.  She turns into the Maxwell housewife as he stops being the knight in shining armor.  Both have dashed dreams because they were in love with the idea of each other more so than who each of them really turned out to be.  But it’s comfortable enough and they like each other enough so they’ll figure something out.  In the meantime, leave each to their own interests, give plenty of privacy and don’t be a space invader.  This, too, shall pass.

How to lay out the Feng Shui bagua in your home

The 9 feng shui areas, to learn your rooms and areas, place your home’s floor plan over this template, with your front door or entranceway in line with the bottom of the map.

Read through the descriptions and decide which area to focus on first.  The nine Feng Shui ba gua areas explained: Let’s take a look at the nine Feng Shui ba gua areas to see how they relate to your life. First, position the grid over a room or the layout of a whole space.

1. Career… The career area of the Feng Shui ba gua not only relates to how you earn a living it also indicates your life path or soul purpose. The idea is that if you are truly on the correct path things will seem easy or just click into place. You’ll feel enthusiastic and confident about what you do and where you are going. Focus on this Feng Shui ba gua area if you are having problems at work or can’t decide what your next career move is. Continue reading

Doing the laundry as if I was doing it for God

This is sooooo sexy, isn’t it?

My roommate has been down with a respiratory bug for a week and sleeping most of the time.  He alternates between sleeping and hacking.  He moves from the bed to the couch and back.  As he slept on the couch, I went into his room and put on some Native American music so he could get a healing as he dozed.  I went into the office to work but could only think of the mound of laundry he had in the corner.  “How much of the clothes all around your room need to be washed?”  I asked last week.  “All of them,” was the reply.  I’m a firm believer in whoever is bugged by a mess should resolve the mess.   Since I found his laundry bothered me, I decided I could either complain to him about it and coax him to jump through that hoop, or I could just do the laundry and only do it if I could be happy about doing it.  Not if I felt like he should be doing it. And if in the spirit of seva we are doing all actions for the Beloved, then I’d actually be doing God’s laundry and how cool an honor is it to get to do that?  And if we are all truly One, why does it matter who does what and who gets the credit for anything? Continue reading

I like to see the inner workings of things

The last several days I’ve been working with a friend doing mobile home repairs.  My dad was a builder, so I grew up around construction sites and I enjoy the work.  Mostly I kept the area clear of debris as he was working and also set up the staging areas for sawing and battery recharging.  We were working with 3 sets of tools (his, mine and theirs) so I also got to keep an eye on what belonged to whom.  It was cool to see what was underneath the floor when he was checking for the source of a leak.  There’s insulation and like an underliner.  The night before, I’d watched several Youtube videos of repairs and replacing a mobile home floors and plumbing, so I knew what to expect.    I like to see the inner workings of things.  I like to see what’s inside and underneath and invisible to the eye.  It connects me to a deeper relationship with what’s under all that we see on the surface.

Seeking interpretation of a recent omen

A friend asks:  “I live in Michigan. On the way home the other day, I looked up in the sky and to my surprise I saw hundreds of sparrows flying “North”. Even more so surprising, the dead silence all around for over the past two days. Yet the other morning as I looked out the sliding glass door of our third floor apt, there on our bird feeder was a dove. unlike any dove I had seen before.  It was a most velvet soft dove I had ever seen. It was the most beautiful gold bronze color I had ever seen before as well. It sat there for for a time, then it looked right at me, and eventually flew away. After this happened, there are no birds on the telephone lines, nesting in the trees. No abundance of birds fly from tree to tree. much less in the sky.  Any Ideas?” Continue reading

Should I sell real estate if I don’t need to?

I wrote at Florida real estate for sale, inexpensive lots off I-95 two years ago that I wanted to sell some property to pay off a debt.  I just amended the post because the debt is paid and I only have two properties left in Volusia County. It’s undeveloped land, two 2.5 acre parcels.  I haven’t even thought about these properties for a long while then suddenly I have three people emailing me asking about them.  It might be time to sell them! Continue reading

Reprogram Your Eating Habits: What to Expect From the Experience

Give yourself 30 minutes alone where it is quiet. Know that while listening to this recording (or reading the script below,) you could open your eyes and rouse yourself immediately in case of emergency. Even if you fall asleep, your subconscious mind is still listening, so you can still expect change to occur.  In case of emergency, you will wake right up. Even under deep trance, you are still in control. Know that while listening, you could open your eyes and rouse yourself immediately if you need to.  Before working with this recording, have an expectation of success. If you are skeptical of the process, or skeptical that it could work for you, that is ok. A fish doesn’t have to believe in the ocean. However, at least for the period of time you are working with the recording or the script, set aside all doubt and let go of all resistance. Allow your creative imagination to run free as you create vivid images in response to any words you may hear before you fall asleep. Continue reading