Yearly Archives: 2012

I crack myself up sometimes with my choice of thoughts

I crack myself up, when I find myself thinking an aggravating thought and continuing to think it  rather than seek a better feeling thought to focus upon.  When I allow myself to wallow a moment longer in justifying and blaming, when if there’s blame to be had, it’s equally shared.  Catching myself continuing to think the thought, even for another moment longer, even though the thinking of it serves merely to incite negative emotion within me.  I can fuel that negative emotion with more of the same thoughts, or I can make a conscious choice to pivot my thoughts to something more pleasant, something more playful, something silly or just some crazy song on the radio.  Whatever it takes to keep me in a happy and uplifted state of mind, despite anything that is going on around me.  That is the peace that passeth all understanding: knowing I am in control of everything that comes my way.  My prayer is to be always able to remember to use my powers for good.

Why competition and jealousy on the Path?
How I pivoted my bitchy consciousness around – just in time 
Stay aggravated or stay on the better feeling thought?

Super hero or sidekick?

To the kind souls asking about relationship status, thank you but our only problem seems to be “who is the sidekick?”  I agree, sidekicks are often overlooked, however, they play an important role in helping save the world.  Without them the hero would not be able to do their job.  Super hero or sidekick?  Which do you want to be?

With great delight, be able to accept whatever comes your way

“Having courage means engaging in every single situation as a blessing from God, as a loving gesture of nature. Courage means rising to meet the demands of each moment with total delight, knowing you are equal to it. Courage means having faith that within you is an innate force whose essence is never deleted by external events. Live your life courageously, dharmically, knowing that whatever you are faced with is not stronger than you are, nor it is smaller. This approach is a dharmic way of living. This is a courage. You look at your problem as your equal, never greater or smaller. And therefore, you can rise to the demands of each moment. With great delight you are able to face and accept whatever comes your way.” From Sadhana of the Heart by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

Every moment is happy if you choose to perceive it that way; you have nothing to learn from someone being unkind, the lesson is for them

I’d written on Facebook: “It’s very sad when someone who is done with someone else can’t have a civil conversation about it. Live and learn.”   My friend Terri Mermis  said, “If no one ever brings you down, how would you ever have a chance to rise above it all and pat yourself on the back for recognizing they have no power over your feelings unless you give it away to them. Every moment is happy if you choose to perceive it that way. So much easier to live and let live, you have nothing to learn from someone being unkind, the lesson is for them. Be blessed abundantly!”

Sept 11, 2012 4:00pm Pacific Time, 7:00pm Eastern Christopher Tims interviewed by Jennifer McLean

Christopher Tims

Tuesday, September 11, 2012  4PM Pacific Time, 5PM Mountain, 6PM Central and 7PM Eastern Time, Christopher Tims will be interviewed by Jennifer McLean on the Healing with the Masters Online Radio Program! Listened to live by more than 200,000 people.   He will be the first interview of Season 10!  Christopher will be speaking with Jennifer McLean about his work with Sound Healing, Tesla Technology and The Eternal Teachings. There will be a special offer available to purchase 3 volumes of his teachings and talks. Don’t miss this groundbreaking event.  This interview will be free to listen! Just register using the link below to listen!


Beginning to choose things that make you feel joyful

A friend wrote on Facebook:
You know, there was a time in my life when I use to always find myself wanting what other people had.  I wanted their way of life, I wanted their stuff, I wanted their parents, I wanted their gorgeous legs, etc.  I’m sure we all have been there in some shape, form, or fashion.  During those times, I obviously appreciated so little about myself, and to this day, I still have to watch myself regarding that old habit. But in my process of learning to love myself again by focusing inward, I have found that ‘things’ out there mean very little to me anymore.  True happiness from within has become my one and only desire.  I’m beginning to choose to do things now that are fun and make me feel joyful.  And for that, I am grateful. For me, this is faith. This is trust in the sacred benevolence that I’ve never fully trusted in before.  But this faith is coming from the sacred heart within me, the sacred love that I cannot ignore; and I am most grateful to walk this walk for the duration of my days here on this earth.  May this walk be the bridge that takes me home when it is my time to go.

Gluten free bread choices: Udi’s and Joseph’s

Joseph's Oat Bran Pita

I asked on Facebook: What happens when you eat gluten and your body cannot tolerate it?  and got interesting responses. Then I asked: If you eat gluten free: what kind and brand of bread do you eat? I know I can Google what’s on the market, I’m asking you particularly what gluten free breads you eat.

This post is from the Facebook thread. I almost didn’t ask the question and no one asked me to ask the question but I found out today that this info is very relevant to someone I know in real life. See? I just followed my guidance system and did what I felt happily compelled to do and it was helpful. Neat how that works, huh? Continue reading

My Ouija Board Story and 5 Tips for Using the Ouija

Take care who you sit with

Take care who you sit with

I’m careful who I ouija with, since we’re opening doors to astral nonsense that can freak out people unfamiliar with it. Plus so many fake it, not trusting in their own abilities to draw communication forth.  Once I sat with people I trusted. I asked the ouija board to give me one DO and one DON’T to give to everyone I came in contact with.  At the time I was talking to 40-60 clients a day working the Psychic Friends Network.  Stop laughing.  I told it I wanted something I could give to everyone. It spelled out “meditate daily cease criticism.”  Well done!  Wait, that wasn’t too freaky.  What’s so scary about the ouija board?  Why do people get freaked out about it?  This is what happens when you sit to use the board, and it happens whether you believe it or not.  The ouija is a strong mental and emotional focal point for the group of people present. By sitting to use it, you are doing so with intention and inviting communication from the nonphysical realm. You will attract that which is a vibrational match to the combination of people present.  The nonphysical realm closest  to us is the astral realm, which is where our emotions lie.  Our astral body — and the inhabitants of the astral plane — get an addictive charge out of making the emotions rise and fall. When these nonphysicals show up, we call them spirits or ghosts or entities or guides or messengers.  You can also think of them as a thoughtform or thoughtbank that has access to your memories and your emotions.  “They” speak to you through spelling out words on the board and they also speak to you via your emotions.     Continue reading

“Is it your face that adorns this garden? Is it your fragrance that intoxicates this garden? Is it your Spirit that has made this brook a river of wine? Hundreds have looked for You, and died searching in this garden, where You hide behind the scenes. But this pain is not for those who come as lovers. You are easy to find here. You are in the breeze and in this river of wine.” ~ Rumi