Yearly Archives: 2012

Thank you, Universe and everyone in it who conspires to make everything I want come true

Yesterday I was with a friend working on a project and I left my handy dandy sawhorses with them.  I forgot that I need them in the garage today to prepare the packages for mailing of the November Horizons Magazine they will deliver any minute now.  I usually lay a sheet of plywood down as a workspace atop the sawhorses.  I wondered what I could use instead, but nothing came to mind.  But, life being what life is, I wandered out into the garage to see how the solution would reveal itself to me.  I moved my car out of the garage and into the side yard.  I walked back into the garage and saw the garbage bin and the recycling bin side by side.  Perfect.  Thank you, Universe and everyone in it who conspires to make everything I want come true.

Is it possible to be in a happy love relationship with someone you aren’t planning a future with?

“Do you believe it’s possible to be in a happy love relationship with someone you aren’t necessarily planning a future with? Just because you adore them and feel highly infatuated, doesn’t mean they fit into the entire equation of the rest of your life, nor you theirs.” I wrote on Facebook.  “The future is NOW. Stay in the Now and the future will take care of itself.” Continue reading

I crash myself out to recupe from responsibility overload

I have a habit of appointing myself timekeeper for other ppl and when the schedule gets too packed with reminding them of stuff they may not need to be reminded of, I feel overwhelmed.  Add to that type A display, I just had a sudden snowball of unexpected work that changed the timing of a very tightly scheduled magazine delivery week.  The schedule changed with every phone call and text.  So far it’s worked itself out and one changed appointment has dovetailed into the next perfectly. Despite my aggravation, I was attracting a good result.  Today was my only truly free day where I don’t have to do any work, yet I’d told a friend I’d be their transportation at noon and again at sundown.  Then suddenly I had to arrange for a friend to meet me at a work project at 10am, which turned into 11:30am.  Ok, that one done, finished by noon, on to the next.  I began again stressing over the obligations at noon and sundown. I wanted to go home, take some valerian root and Hyland’s Calm’s Forte (natural sleep aids) and have a festival of sleep.  I am feeling underslept. That is how anxiety begins to manifest on me. I can either sleep more or I can change my perception of how much sleep I need and how much rest I’m actually getting. Continue reading

Last night I was watching the reality show Welcome To Sweetie Pie’s where Tim’s wife planned a big party under the guise of their son’s first birthday party, then berates Tim – on his busiest work day – for being late. That seems selfish to me. At least let the guy have input as to when and where If he’s gotta be there.  I wrote on Facebook: “I am judging her for trying to manipulate his time using guilt about having time with their child as an excuse. What does that say about me?”

Saturday midnight

It’s a beautiful, cool night. I just came in from sitting outside at the firepit. No fire, just me at the edge of the woods under the moonless sky, listening to the critters scuffling about in the brush. I sit right off their trail, so when I’m still, they caravan right past me. Now time to work for awhile. If I owe you a call or email or text, bear with me… it won’t be long.

Blues Benefit Concert for Mr. Z of WFIT Nov 11 Lou’s Blues

Gary "Mr. Z" Zajak

Mr. Z has BEEN the blues music at WFIT for as long as many can remember, 22 years for me. Come on out and show your support for Gary Zajac aka Mr. Z, who was diagnosed in June 2012 with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. The benefit concert takes place at Lou’s Blues Upstairs on Sunday, November 11th from 7 p.m. to closing. The show features the Josh Miller Blues Revue, the Sauce Boss Bill Wharton and the Space Coast Playboys. Mr. Z’s Benefit Blues Concert is sponsored by Brevard Live Magazine, Brevard Music Aid and Lou’s Blues. A $10 donation is suggested.

Mr. Z live in the WFIT studio

The blues ain’t nothing but a good man feelin’ bad“. Let’s all join together to make Mr. Z feel real good!

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