Yearly Archives: 2012

When chicks ask Domino if her boyfriend is single, she tells them she’s not the one to ask

Oh my, that awkward moment when a friend obviously not current on innuendo, gossip and hearsay, secretly messages Domino to ask if Mr. X is single. Awkward only because Domino considers X her boyfriend.   She’s savvy, tho,”he’s the one you should be asking,” she says.  Domino has dated enough musicians to know that you have to separate the man himself from his performance character.  You can’t let things like fans and groupies get in the way of what you and he have.  That’s just his job.  The sex appeal, the flirting adds to the dream and the dream attracts the income.  Depending on where he is with his music projects, don’t expect him to give any real time to anything other than what’s on his “let’s get this demo done” To Do List. Continue reading

I’ve been forging a new path in the west woods; doncha love the metaphor?

I’ve been in the west woods this week, clearing a new path through the pines and palmettoes.  The path begins at the edge of the backyard, circles around the young oak in the center, and ends at the firepit area.  The last few days, I’ve come in from the backyard but today I wanted to come at it from the other direction.  Properly armed with gloves and pruners, wearing jeans, long sleeved shirt and yard boots as protection from the undergrowth of thorny vine, I walked in from the firepit area. Continue reading

My brother has fun with the political solicitation calls

My brother writes: “I’m glad that the elections are over. It doesn’t take long to grow tired of all the robo-calls. I handle the live calls by asking the caller what they are wearing and trying to get them to talk dirty to me. I tell them that since their particular politician will more than likely end up screwing me, I insist on a little foreplay.”

I transform a grumpy thought to a better feeling one in 10 minutes

I have to tell on myself.  This is an example of  purposely transforming a grumpy thought into a better feeling one. I wrote earlier about getting ticked a friend would not put things on the calendar so I’d know ahead of time I had to drive out. I also wrote about how I ended my aggravation once and for all by just no longer expecting them to do anything. So this morning I hit the floor running, a 14 hour long, busy day yesterday.  Four hours into today, I realize it’s almost 10:00am, when we have to leave to take Domino to work.  I wake my friend and say “it’s 5 minutes until 10am, are you up?” and he says, “I am now.”  Another call comes in, I take it and get lost in work.  Ten minutes later he’s still not here.  WTF? Continue reading

If you’re having an emotional reaction to the election, you have some inner work to do

cloud-with-heart-in-skyIf your guy is losing, are you furious and frustrated?  If your guy is winning, are you gleeful thinking the losing candidate got what was coming to him/her? Do you continue to judge anyone for their actions? I love situations such as voting because it requires serious thought and forces me/us to look at what I/we really believe.  I tend to believe there is Someone or Something up there or out there that allows it to all play out just as we collectively choose it.  Sixty years’ experience has taught me that things always work out for the best when I expect and believe they will.  Period.  I’ve never seen any evidence otherwise.  So when something happens that I formerly would have considered disastrous, I can either immediately see the blessing in it, or know it’s coming.  As usual, for all to go right in my world, nothing ever needs to change except my perception.

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Doreen Virtue on preparing ourselves by raising our personal vibration

Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

The most important preparation that we can all select is to raise our personal vibrations as high as possible. We do this by completely walking our talk to the nth degree. Follow your spiritual path and get right with yourself; be completely honest with people (gently and lovingly please); be honest with yourself; detox your body asap; abstain from any mind- or emotion-numbing chemicals; heal or leave toxic relationships, jobs, and living conditions; do helpful and charitable work; and follow your guidance without delay or hesitation. As we graciously let go of the old and welcome in the new, life IS in Divine and perfect order.  Doreen Virtue

How I ended my aggravation with Domino once and for all so we can live happily ever after

A while back, Domino and I butted heads. Being an Aries times five, I’ve got a well-developed head butt.  Being passive aggressive, I didn’t let him know at the time and to the extent that something irked me.  Here’s how I fixed that so it will never be a problem again.  One thing I’d get irked about was when a future appointment wasn’t placed on the calendar, so I could schedule around it.   It happened repeatedly.  My inner tyrant argued that since he was being irresponsible, that put more work on me.   I didn’t like the feel of that.   The more I thought about it, the more I came up with things he did to cause me more work: dishes, clothes not hung up.  The more I thought about it, the worse those thoughts felt.  (Because my choice of focus was attracting more things to be aggravated about, that’s why that didn’t feel good.)  How do you turn around a thought without the other person being made to do your bidding?   Continue reading

Do you know how you can go your whole life and have people treat you one way and you think that is how life is and that is who you are and then suddenly you wake up to how life can really be and who you really are, with people who see that in you, and it’s so much better than you ever dreamed of?   It makes all the difference in the world to be around people who believe in you and support your dreams and visions and encourage you.  It makes all the difference to know you are seen as who you want to see yourself as, not just who your family saw you as when you were a kid.