I have two very deep and close friends and we are all in the midst of soul work together. One is going through his first Saturn return, one through his Uranus opposition, and I am in my second Saturn return. They both have a 20 degrees Taurus rising sign, mine is 25 Aries. There is a lot of transformation and alchemy happening, not all of it fun. But what IS fun is that we all know we’re being tested and we’re surfing it and having a good time finding all the symbolism, coincidence and synchronicity between us. I found this article online:
It has often been said that under strong Saturn transits one can choose between exhaustion and depression — some choice! It implies that because Saturn is often about doing real work in the mundane world that exhaustion is the better choice— hinting that “it’s better to wear out than to rust out”as Mark Twain once said. So folks who understand “just a little” astrology sometimes view the coming of a Saturn Return with raised eyebrows and deep sighs. But then a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Saturn brings to mind the two ancient Greek maxims, inscribed at the Temple at Delphi: “Know Thyself” and “Nothing in Excess.” One might think that by understanding and trying to live by these wise sayings one could avoid the great troubles in life. Perhaps they help; but still we seem to suffer. Our understanding of these words change as we age, but life often plays some nasty tricks on us in the meantime. Perhaps this is why we have Saturn transits—it’s a chance to get it right this time.