Yesterday: Fun, then Jeremy’s anger, then his wife’s email

My ex called last night asking for a file.  Although all his belongings fit in 3 boxes, one box being his legal papers organized for easy reference, he couldn’t find it.  I thought it interesting he called Friday evening.  I’d had a good last couple of days, and was in an up and happy mood. Although I’d overnight gotten several messages asking if he was ok since mutual friends had not seen him on FB, I didn’t mind being asked. It was good to observe I had no emotional tug on that topic as I read the few. I’d been working in the yard having a great day, feeling good.  When I saw his number come in on caller id, I had zero emotional twinge from it. Oh, good news he’s calling for then, I thought, since it’s always a vbrational match. Maybe he got his permanent job.  Maybe he’s moving. He asked about the file.  I told him where to find it. I asked if he’d gotten my email.  He cannot get email anymore he said.  He’d check it when he got home and call me back.

When he called back, I asked him my emailed questions: “I am still reeling from the conversation I saw you and Misty Dawn (new gf) having (online). Why did you never tell me that was how you felt about me? Was that really how you feel or ever felt? Why after us being apart for two weeks and everything fine as friends did you have to seduce me all over again? Why?”

His immediately angry answer, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know what you thought you saw. You can’t believe everything someone else tells you is true.” I said it wasn’t someone else, it was what I saw him typing her, right on the screen in front of me. “Don’t believe everything you see.  You don’t know the whole story.” He was now in a rage and his words didn’t respond to the question.  I knew he was frustrated not knowing which conversation of theirs I’d seen. I knew by his attitude that this would not be resolved now.  He slammed the phone down. He cannot be caught in a lie. The fury comes on in a moment.  It’s like you never know which one is going to show up at the door or on the phone.

All he had to do was be a man and answer those simple questions. We would have been good – no matter what the answers were – and he’d get his duplicate files.  But he doesn’t know how to communicate his feelings.  He knows how to say words that keep you close, but they are only words to get him past the moment.  I learned months ago that he doesn’t mean them, they are his coping mechanism. The lies are the ritual he needs to ensure he can feel he’s got everything handled. When he hung up, I felt nothing but relief.   The whole call took maybe 6 minutes.  I was back to my happy place right away. Had that call come in while I was in a bad mood, it might have irked me.  As it was, it was a short blip in time that confirmed recent good decisions.


So I’m happily winding down for the day, I’m outside watering, I’m texting with an old friend I’ve reconnected with.  Still in a happy place, lots of fun synchronicities happening, waving hello to strolling/biking neighbors.  I come inside and find an email from Jeremy’s wife.  Hmmm, since I’m in such a light and fluffy place, it can’t be bad news.  Right?  Vibrational match and all that?

It occurred to me earlier this week that some of the crazy messages I and other women on Jeremy’s Facebook wall were getting may not have come from his wife as he said. She could have found me anytime the last year through Google and she knows I live across the street.  The calls and messages stopped when the new gf came on behind the scene. From his wife’s email, I’m sure she never contacted me before.  She wrote:  ” We have no knowledge of the messages sent to you. I have sent Jeremy 2 messages since he left my daughter and I in June 2011. I have not sent you any. I’m sorry that he fooled you but I know that you knew it couldn’t possibly work with a man who is married. Leaves his child and does not talk to her on a regular basis. He committed a… crime… not as he described it to you. All he cares about is being famous one way or another stepping on whoever or conning his way up. I fully intend to pursue divorce to the fullest extent and make him pay dearly or go back to jail. I just wanted you to remember there are 2 sides to the story. Don’t feel bad in his absence because I have learned the end result is truely my blessing. Sincerely, C”

I responded to her: “C, hello and thanks for writing.   I have lived across the street from Jeremy’s mom for 20+ years. I met him Sept 2011.  Ours was not a love story; our long term plans were only for honesty and friendship. He did fool me. I saw his police report when he was in jail. I know the facts of the incident. I was a paralegal for 22 years. The problem with divorce is that he owns nothing and has a low paying job, so even if it was on a final judgment of divorce paper saying he was obligated to pay all your joint debts, he doesn’t have anything, so he can’t pay. His criminal charge of indecent exposure is a misdemeanor in Florida meaning he would not be considered a sex offender here. He wasn’t doing anything (when we hung out) that would send him back to jail. I don’t see his FB wall or keep track of what he’s doing now but he knows his probation officer shows up at random times. His new gf has kids but his crime didn’t involve a minor so he might be allowed to be around them.  I am sorry for your pain but know the relief you feel. Had Jeremy not outright asked me for help, I would not have gotten involved.  Best of luck to you. Andrea”


Because stuff is gonna happen when stuff happens.  The Universe, knowing my greater intention for wanting a happy, fun life with joyful friends in it, is always giving me exactly what I am in vibrational harmony with.

Yesterday, being aligned with fun and purpose and hopeful thoughts about future happenings, was the perfect day for Jeremy’s call to come in, yet his anger not cause a blip in my screen.  The same with his wife’s email.  It was not emotionally troubling, it was just a quick exchange of info and I was back to my happy life.

To me, that’s the benefit of having a place of center to return to and to know how to get there.  Meditation links here.  So when different people move through your life at the speed of light, you are able to easily dodge and bob and weave your way without being personally impacted and bruised by it.

Had I yesterday woken up pissed at the world and responded to everyone from that vibrational stance, there could have been a much different result and a whole lot more karma put into motion.  At this stage, I haven’t got time for the game.  I long for something real. Until then, I’m happy loving life in general and no one in particular.  If we’re really all One, what does that kinda stuff matter anyway?

Love when those around you love
Wish for others what you wish for yourself

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