Write only about your own experience, using “I” statements, not “they” or “you” statements.

Someone just asked me what I thought about a Facebook post. It was written about a theoretical situation and written in third person, so vague that I had no idea what they were talking about.  A good rule of thumb is write only about your own experience, using “I” statements, not “they” or “you” statements.  Don’t think you know the truth of a situation based on what a third person tells you. For a year and a half I defended a friend based on what he told me.  My mistake.  Lesson learned.  We want to help those we love. We think we’re helping. Been there.  Bless those who feel compelled to do that. Speak only for yourself. Write only about what you yourself have experienced. Use “I” statements. Let the reader put themselves in your place so they can understand your very important point of view.  Help them to let you help them learn from your experience.