Worst Valentine’s Day Ever

Go on a cruise, they said. It'll be fun, they said.

Go on a cruise, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.

True Valentine’s Day story.  I had a 3 day weekend one President’s Day in the early 80’s and decided to go on a cruise out of Miami to Nassau.  I didn’t even consider that it was also Valentine’s Day weekend.  The entire cruise was couples, with very few solo.  The Greek crew members all paid special attention to the single women and it was quite a fiasco, since I like hanging out alone.  It wasn’t a great experience and I learned I don’t care for cruises. I got seasick for the first time ever, after having been on small boats my whole life.  I don’t drink or gamble but wanted something different to do and cruises out of Miami, where I lived, were so cheap. The sleeping rooms were very small.  The food was good, it wasn’t heavy, the dining times staggered to accommodate so many people.  Walking on deck I was aware we were all bound to a small piece of plastic in a gigantic ocean miles deep. I couldn’t just jump in my car and drive back home if I didn’t like it. I learned cruises are not for me. The highlight of the weekend was when I went into Nassau and I saw my father and his wife on the cover of The Sunday Miami Herald when I’d not been prepared for the story. It was quite the memorable Valentine Day weekend. Here’s a pdf of the article I saw –> Hermits Face Disruptions in Big Cypress Hideaway.

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