Windows Vista Teaches Me To Clear My Cache of Judgment. How Often Do You Throw Wet Blankets Around? (Ask Your Friends)

Yesterday morning I had just finished up some work and spent a few minutes web surfing and came across the Gateway to Agape Choir singing a favorite song “Wholly Holy Way” It was perfect timing before my 4:00am morning meditation.  Afterward, I napped until 8:30am and then went to see Dr. David Rindge, my acupuncture physician, for some laser therapy for my right paw.  I’d over worked it with the computer mouse during the last week of final layout, so after a little R & R it will be fine again.  The laser treatment gives almost instant relief.  Thanks to David, I never had carpal tunnel surgery after a car accident in September 2000 as two doctors recommended.  Every few years I might overdo it like this week, and the laser treatment fixes me right up.  On the way home I stopped at the produce stand and got roma tomatoes, scallions, mushrooms, garlic and yellow onions. I eat a lot of onions and garlic. It keeps my immune system in tip top shape.  Back home, I spent an hour putting online my new recipe for Low Fat Pasta with Cherry Tomatoes, Calamata Olives and Capers, then I made some for lunch.

Later that day, since I was not in the office, I turned my laptop on and went to post something to Facebook.  However, at the login page, I got the message: “Cookies Required. Cookies are not enabled on your browser. Please adjust this in your security preferences before continuing.” However, when I checked, the cookies showed as being enabled. It let me proceed to Facebook, but would not let me post or comment.  Well, that just won’t do!

But wait, that can be the Universe telling me it’s time to listen, not talk.  So I began to read everyone’s posts, even those that do not appear in my News Feed, to see what might catch my eye that needs reflecting upon.  If I can figure that out, the my problem will solve itself.

The first thing I did was, of course, clear the cache and clear my settings and run CCleaner, which I do after every session.  Then I rebooted and did the clear and reboot process a few more times.  I decided to give it a rest and began a contemplation session to bring to mind what I know about computers.  I did this to bring myself to a good vibrational point before turning the laptop back on.

I know my computers always work better than I expect them to.  Even when one goes down every few years, it’s not for long and I never lose data.  I have learned to backup to external hard drives, so data loss is never an issue.  I knew whatever it was, we would likely work though it pretty quickly and easily, because that’s how my life is.

A friend joked that I should replace my Windows Vista with an Apple.  I told her Vista must be mirroring something to me, so I must keep it until I suss it out.  I was only partly kidding.  I thought, okay, Vista means view, so I am not seeing the big picture.  So at Facebook, I begin reading to see what might hold some meaning for me.  I came across a post I’d made that morning about being irked at hearing friends rave over a teacher who I’ve only heard spout rehashed and diluted stuff. Even friends who’ve done rebirthing and heard it 20 years ago like I did. Me judging them only shows I don’t have my own sh*t together like I think I do.

My friend Anne Marie hit the nail on the head when she said: How beautiful, to have friends and their teacher bring up your sh*t for you to look at!! What a friggin’ gift!  I say– Ugh! Just when I think I am HEALED!!!!!

I laugh because I know it’s a gift when friends bring up my sh*t or call me on it.  I’d let myself get grumpy the past few days, whining about my paw, judging, complaining…  Well, ok, it was just 3 or 4 remarks, but I did them on Facebook.  So instead of “Oh, I just said 4 sentences,” it becomes, I just told the same 4 whiney, judgmental stories to 794 friends.  That’s throwing a pretty big wet blanket out there.

Laughing at myself

Laughing at myself

So, even though I am fairly mindful of what I say when I say it, this is a good reminder to take up as a personal discipline the practice of not remarking about something right away if it is critical.  How do I know if it’s critical?  It either pisses me off or makes me feel I can teach them a lesson.  When I feel that way, instead of making a comment, I should look within and see what my guidance system is trying to tell me via that emotion.  What do I need to learn, or be reminded of?  In this case, I’d not cleared my cache of judgment about whose work is or is not of value, as well as judging friends for settling for so little when so much awaits them.

I felt “done” so I ended my contemplation session. I went back in and turned on the laptop, in a very different vibrational place than when I’d tried earlier.  I signed on to Facebook and did not get the error message.  So whatever it was, it no longer is.  I thought, just like us: new again in every moment with infinite potential. I have no idea what the problem was – the problem was simply a vehicle for the message anyway – but what matters is that today is a new day and today it works!

Hafiz: Happy before I have a reason


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