Why You Should Not Drink Soda

Did you know that it takes 32 glasses of water to neutralize the acid from one 12 oz. carbonated soda?   Did you know that when our body pH is acidic, it promotes illness and poor health?  Scientists and doctors have found that over 150 degenerative diseases are linked to acidity, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, gall and kidney stones,osteoporosis, hypertension, memory loss and many more.  All diseases thrive in an acidic, oxygen poor environment.  

While almost everything we do, including our life style and our diets contributes to our body acidity, the long term effects of soda take a toll on our body.  It take 32 glasses of alkaline water at a pH of 9 to neutralize acid from one 12 oz. cola or soda. When you drink sodas, the body will use its own stored alkaline buffers which are mainly calcium from the bones and DNA to raise the body’s alkalinity levels, especially to maintain proper blood alkaline pH levels.  Acidic blood levels can be fatal.

Acidity, sugars and artificial sweetners can shorten life. Acidosis, lack of nutrients (minerals and vitamins), poor diets and improper digestion contributes to most degenerative diseases.  Doctors have found degenerative diseases like osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis, in younger age groups than before.

So what can we do about it?   Develop a healthy habit of drinking water instead of soda, exercise and eat a healthy diet.

Scientists have found that healthy people have body pH that are slightly alkaline, 7.1 to 7.5 pH.  Seven on a pH scale is neutral.  Any level below 7 is acidic, and any level above 7 is alkaline.  Keep in mind that a drop in every point on the pH scale is 10 times more acid (i.e. from 7 to 6 is ten times, from 7 to 5 is 100 times etc.)  From 7 – 2 is 100,000 times more acidic!  All of the carbonated soda on the market is in the acidic range of 2 pH.