Why I Don’t Barter – I know to keep the dollars flowing FROM me if I want to keep dollars flowing TO me

Keep it circulating

“When am I going to get ahead?” Domino asked.  She’s been working hard yet barely makes a living.  The main reason is that “life’s been hard” is her story and she continues to tell it, but another glaring issue came as I listened to her.  Through the years, Domino has tried her hand at various businesses and trades. To market each, she contacts her network and barters services with them.  This happens a lot in the holistic community.  I’ve done readings here for 30 years, and so many stories are the same. Doing what they love, not earning income at it, what are they doing wrong?   

First, they should do some creative visualization on a daily basis and amend their self talk and their story to others. Next, if they want dollars to flow TO them, they need to keep the dollars in circulation.  Friends pay for my services and I pay for theirs. My business thrives and so do I.

The only people I can speak about are the probably thousands through the years that have spoken to me on the topic.  Almost without exception, they barter because that is the only way they could afford the service.  That is the consciousness they have about it.  They complain that no one wants to pay them.  They have the lackful consciousness about it.   Alan Cohen in The Right of Consciousness reminds that, “If something is deeply imbedded in your soul, it belongs to you. It comes to you and adheres to you by your appreciation and right use of it.”  If you are not earning income at what you do, that is a sign you are not aligned with it.  Know that if you’re bartering, you can expect more barter clients.  What you attract is always up to you. I mean, by all means exchange services with friends for the love of the interaction with them, but know when it’s barter.

I wrote in Keeping your $$ karma clean with the IRS that I know people who barter goods and services, and many of them also work under the table, earning unreported income.  I’m not judging their choices, however, when they complain about income being slow and blaming it on the economy, I can’t let them get away with that.  I have to remind them that it’s all related – which means first and foremost forgive and clear up the past – and that they play a part in attracting what they experience.  If they are working under the table because they think Uncle Sam takes too big a cut, that is poverty consciousness and that is fearful thinking.  If you are receiving disability income yet work several off the record jobs, you are holding yourself back from the greater good you could be attracting, if you didn’t have that lie hanging over your head.

It’s much easier to upgrade your belief and learn to be happy and honored to comply, than to be constantly looking over your shoulder, dreading the consequences of being caught by the IRS.  Keep your income/dollar karma clean by being honest on your taxes. Don’t be creative, keep it simple. If you feel you must work under the table, consider the message you’re sending the Universe. You don’t want to vibrate there.

So now, when friends let me know they are working under the table and staying off the grid, I tell them, clean up your act and that means clean up your past. Start right now doing everything the right way.  Know that without having to look over your shoulder and worry, you have just removed about 80% of your resistance regarding the topic of dollars and income, and the Universe will begin to abundantly deliver to you. You’re the only one holding back your good.  The economy has nothing to do with it.  Just you and how much resistance you have, consciously or unconsciously, to everything going on around you.  Everything, because it’s all related.

RELATED: Keeping your $$ karma clean with the IRS

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