Why are friends changing religions?

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A friend shared that several family members radically changed their religions in the past few years, now putting their new radically conservative ideologies above friends and family. What I see is that as we get older, we seek deeper meaning. Some of us study comparative religions and as we see the commonalities, we come to greater understanding of how they all tie in together and that we are all connected. Others were taught one thing only and cling to it, not knowing they are limiting themselves and the scope of their “God.” Years ago, when I noticed myself becoming more devotional, I prayed I wouldn’t become unbearable to be around, like so many of my newly “born again” friends. In their enthusiasm to share their newfound joy, they simply aggravated and alienated everyone around them.

When I researched the conversion experience through the denominations, I noticed that often the dysfunctional story which has to be abandoned — even if temporarily — is what they’ve been taught of the Bible. It’s like a piece of software that’s become corrupt due to use and misuse. The original file – however perfect – is no longer accessible (due to man’s editing throughout the years.) You end up with gibberish on your screen and the possibility of corrupting the whole mechanism. It’s usually at this point that people are quick to toss out the old software (Bible) and try one thing after another to replace it with, usually studying and comparing other religious denominations and spiritual paths.

They figure out in the end that all they had to do was clear their hard drive. Reformat it so to speak. Erase all the old programming. Start with a clean slate. Forget what they’ve been taught, which was all their parents and teachers knew at the time anyway, and begin again to learn on their own, as adults with mature understanding.

I think it all boils down to being aware there are a lot of beliefs systems to choose from. What I believe through the years morphs as my understanding and personal connection deepens.  My belief is that having a connection with the Creator/God/Goddess/The Universe expands my world, not limits my scope.  Believe what you want, but make it an informed choice.