When you find The One, it’s not heavy maintenance

On December 21, 2009,  I posted on Facebook: Sitting on my 80-something uncle’s front porch, rocking in our chairs, he asked me, “don’t you want someone to sit with at the end of the day, just to watch the sun go down and drink tea with?” Sure I do, I said, it’s the other 23 hours a day maintenance that is too big a price to pay.  I realize only now at 61 that not all partners require heavy maintenance.  In youth, I always had a lot going on at once and if someone wasn’t able to run on autopilot, I didn’t have much patience for them. I loved all my partners and they were perfect at the time and we’re friends to this day. But I realize now that when you find The One, it doesn’t have to require heavy maintenance. Everything can just flow. Everything can be easy. Everything can be fascinating yet familiar. All the puzzle pieces can fit into place in every way imaginable. I used to consider that a romantic myth. I am a skeptic and I don’t believe anything I haven’t experienced firsthand. Everything I know is always subject to change upon evolution of my consciousness.