Half the people I know are in the process of writing a book that they feel is being channeled through them and wanting someone else to promote it for them. We are all vibing in the same place. We have come forth in a “cluster” as Abraham calls it, to find ourselves in a powerful group of people who have truly amazing and inspiring stories to tell. Maybe 90% of them wait and hope that someone else will discover their brilliance and promote them, so that all they have to do is show up and tell their story. Wouldn’t that be nice? That’s not how it works, though. And they may stay at that stage for 20-30 years before they realize hey, it’s my story. Maybe I was just meant to write it for myself, because the writing of it taught me so many lessons along the way. My experience is that when the channelling starts to flow and we think “Omigosh, I HAVE to get this information out there!” that is just the Universe giving us the body chemicals for inspiration, dangling the carrot before us, at a time when we’re still programmed to think that some fame and recognition would be kind of cool. So the first ten years or so I thought I was writing for the whole world, then realized it was to help me change me and learn what I needed to know to become who I am now, and keep me on the path to who I can be.
If we continue to channel and write, we get more and more info. The less we talk to others about it, the more quickly we get to the deeper, more universally relevant info. But too often we are satisfied with that bit that we get, and then we join a group to discuss it, which all has its value, absolutely. The sangha is waaaay important to spiritual growth. But if we’re wanting to taste the deepest, and know the widest, we have to spend more time alone writing and pondering. This practice also makes us much more powerful as a force and, couple that with focused intention, and Jeannie could have literary agents standing in line next to her at the market or knocking on her door to ask directions, or sitting behind her at church asking where she got her hair cut. THEY will find you when you vibe in that place.
The other 10% of people who take it upon themselves to do what needs to be done, and don’t need a group of others to hopefully make it happen for them, make it happen. They get with others to discuss and formulate, but they know that it is they themself who has to do it, if it is to be done.
What has been anyone or everyone’s past experience does not have to be our future experience. We can hold our thoughts and beliefs in a place that attracts to us the people, events and circumstances that help take us where we want to go.