When someone finds it difficult to face issues and admit when they are wrong

When someone finds it difficult to face issues and admit when they are wrong, it’s just because their mind has been trained to keep moving on to the next thought. They don’t take sufficient time to make inner contact and operate from a place of connection.  Soon enough the weight of their denied and unfinished business will surface for attention.  Until then, we don’t need to point it out to them.   I love reading where someone who refuses to face their own stuff is telling everyone else to clear up theirs. If that touches a nerve in me, that means I have stuff of my own to clear up. Some have to talk about it long before they let their soul convince them to actually do it. It’s ALL progress. We can’t judge where they should be by now. I am exactly where I need to be right now and so is everyone else. What we CAN do is learn how to get our own emotional body under control.
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