When my soul is fulfilled, I don’t need someone to rub molecules with

I’ve been working on final layout of the July Horizons Magazine this week and not much else. This afternoon I got to have a quick sushi with a pal before getting into the evening work. It’s cool when a pal lives within walking distance, works from home as I do, and we have similar habits, lifestyle, interests and language. It gives us that automatic shorthand that makes conversation so effortless, revelatory and satisfying. For someone with as little free time for socializing as I, that’s a big plus.  My ideal relationship with a man is that of a brother on the Path, someone interested in connection to Source – whatever that looks like to them, personal growth, yoga, fitness, meditation. Someone who likes their quiet, contemplative time, someone aware of their own psychic connection and the power of each holy instant.  It’s a plus when they know the east Indian culture, terminology and the sacred music. When there’s similar background, it lets you move quickly into the Now because you’re not having to catch each other up on unfamiliar concepts and ideas. You can move right away into that subtle, nuanced dance of words and ideas that to me is far more of a romance than any physical relationship.  You’re facing each other yes, but more so together facing forward in the same direction toward the same Light.  I’ve been asked why I go so many years between intimate relationships.  That’s why.  When my soul is fulfilled otherwise, I don’t need a person to rub molecules with. There’s nothing missing. My relationships historically fail because I’d rather work, but it’s also my mission, so that’s collateral damage. If I had to choose between a romantic love and a brother on the path, the brother would win every time. That’s why I never go looking for love. There’s no place that Love is not.  But that’s hard to explain to someone not asking that question, and not living that life. Not having to explain that stuff: priceless.