When I feel love pouring through me, it’s easy to forgive

I stood watching the waterfall in Unity Park this morning before church, meditating on the pouring of the water into the pond.  That rushing is the same feeling I get when I feel love pouring through me.  When I feel love pouring through me, I recognize that as my alignment with Source energy, as the connection to the God within me.  When I feel love pouring through me, all problems disappear, and nothing seems worth troubling over. It’s easy for past hurts to be forgiven.  It’s a feeling I wish everyone could feel.  It’s the same feeling as the feeling of a new infatuation, whether for a lover or a grandchild or new puppy.   When you feel it, savor it so that you can store it in your memory bank as fuel for future visualizations. Generate that feeling of the love flow by thinking whatever thoughts generate that emotional response in you.  Breathe the feeling deeply within you, then slowly exhale it out into the world.  You can direct that love flow onto whoever’s life you want to send a blessing to.  It helps to remember that everything is a miracle.  This extended rendition by Faith Rivera of Peter Mayer’s song makes the love flow start in me.  Bask in it yourself –>  Everything is holy now.
RELATED:  Hawaiian Forgivness Ho’oponopono Process 


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