We’re Becoming More Psychic. Telling What You Know


Do we tell what we see?

My friend Kandi Phillips emailed the other day, asking something I am frequently asked:  What do you do if you’re not sure how to tell someone about a dream? I have been having dreams about things happening to people. I use to have these as a child but my mom put a stop to that. A relative is in a wheelchair and I dreamed about her accident before it happened as a child. It scared everyone.  Do you have dreams that shake you up? Just curious how you handle these. Wonder if doing the root chakra work last night opened this back up for me?

I replied: For me, doing any kind of energy work gets the shakti going (the kundalini moving), which brings dreams.  I used to think I had to tell everyone what I saw about them, that it was my duty.  That it could help them prevent something. Would telling them harm them or help them?

The crucial task wasn’t “getting the message”, the crucial task was discerning how they’d psychologically and emotionally handle what I’d say. Equally important was being able to detach when I’d told them something they’d ignore.  And of course surprisingly losing friends who you thought understood what you did, but it turns out when it’s “real” and about them, all of a sudden they get afraid and cut you off. So while I do have dreams that shake me up, it’s not for long and I carefully choose who to tell and who not to tell.

It’s a huge yoga: Knowing a great secret, yet keeping it within you to let it do its work on you. The information is given to you, not always for the reason you think it is.  It may just be that you are meant to work through these exact questions and come to a greater understanding of your gift in this way.  It may have nothing to do with the friend you foresee the event for.

Another huge yoga: Being prepared for the price of telling it if you decide to, and taking responsibility for what you’ve put out there.

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