Watering the loquats under the waxing crescent moon

I’ve been coming in and out all evening, watering the front trees and watching the bright crescent moon move across the sky. I love this time of evening, outside in nature alone. I love to be outside, watching the moon from my firepit area or just from the driveway.  I can bask in its light and feel it melt into me.  At sundown, I went outside and pruned my younger loquat trees  to make them fill out.  Tomorrow I’ll get out the ladder and trim some of the larger trees.  It never occurred to me to cut them back before, and today and tomorrow are good pruning days.  The mulberry tree could use pruning back as well.  I will do that tomorrow while I am hauling the ladder around.  Final layout proceeds apace with the June magazine, I’ll get on it again first thing in the morning.


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