Vibrational Escrow, The Autistic Revolution with Abraham-Hicks

I spent Monday mostly sleeping.  My head cold is now sharing space with my chest. It’s so nice of my body parts to share with each other.  So instead of doing a blog post today, I am going to nap, but here are a couple of neat Abraham-Hicks videos to tide you over.

How to Quickly Access our Vibrational Escrow with Abraham-Hicks

Excerpted from the DVD “The Autistic Revolution: Children In the Time of Awakening” from Abraham-Hicks Publications.  A New Paradigm In this presentation, Abraham addresses several questions about autism from parents and a behavioral scientist, and then reveals the surprising role that autistic children play at this unique time in Earth history. In doing so, Abraham gives their most complete explanation yet of their perspective on raising children, and shares their unique insight into the planetary Awakening now taking place around us.

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