To de-stress, self talk yourself as if you were the favorite

Tuesday, February 17, 2009.  There’s a habit I’ve gotten myself into and it comes in handy when I’m stressed out.  It’s basically giving myself reminders in the form of pep talks when I wake up and before I go to sleep. Reminders to keep me motivated and focused on what’s going right.  “Good morning, beautiful,” I might say.  “You are the luckiest girl in the world and it is my good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.  All I have is yours, and I live to make you happy. “Your every wish is my command.  Once again you’ve gotten the magazine to press by deadline, everyone has paid on time and you are back on schedule.  Make your choices today based on what you would really love to do as a priority, and don’t worry how it will come to you.  Let Me surprise you with the ways and the means and the pathways and the opportunities.”

And I wake up to the thought of having the choice to pack up and drive to California, or come into the office and catch up  with the mail.  LOL  Pretty sad, huh?  Not really, I don’t think it’s sad at all.  In fact, when I identify something that I really want, I go all out for it.   My “problem” is that I am very content with my life now and nothing other than what I’m already doing has caught my personal attention.  I have no motivation to change.  I have a good life.  I have good friends.  I have good family.  I am involved in a lot of fun projects.  I have no complaints whatever.

So if there is anything holding me back, it is simply that I haven’t yet identified it nor made it the priority.  And I get a new opportunity to do that in every moment.  So, until I identify something new, my morning self talk will include a briefing on the day’s activities: go over to do list I made up last night, who to call first, when to open emails, check messages, pay bills, send invoices, go to bank, buy cans of cat food.  50c at Publix, 44c at WalMart, how much at Petsmart?

My self talk reminds me that the day will go easily and I will remain centered and focused and move quickly through my list.  I will be available for the phone calls, so fewer go to voice mail.  (That is an intention that works, I can attest.)  If my intentions change throughout the day, as they often do, then I will be able to easily morph and flow with the changes.  I will attract to me all the help I need, and recognize all opportunities when they present themselves to me.

Now if you had a sweet lover whispering that in your ear each morning, wouldn’t you feel encouraged and motivated and ready to jump into your day?  And the same one at night, telling you all the things you did right that day, all the good choices you made, all the beauty you saw and all the compassion you displayed, how proud they are of you.

Hmmm…  Even if you’re just telling yourself these things on a regular basis, you can get your own neurotransmitters flowing, and get the feeling of satisfaction flowing too.  When you get that feeling of satisfaction, that is your signal that you are in the cosmic flow and that’s where all your power is.

That is the Now they all talk about.  Use it wisely.

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