This morning’s meditation on the beach

I drove early to the beach this morning and sat in the sand to watch the waning moon in the east move to almost directly overhead, floating in and out among the clouds. It’s surreal at the beach at night, the giant sky above and the ocean out before me, barely able in the darkness to tell where the two meet.  The ocean roar is loud at surf’s edge, so I sat back on the dune, where the sounds of the waves were less overwhelming. At surf’s edge, it is easy to lose myself in the senses of it: the roar of the waves, the incoming tide, the splash of the seawater, the ions in the air.  At surf’s edge, I can experience it, but it is on the dune that I reflect. Reflecting on it allows me to more fully appreciate the magnitude of what I just experienced.  It lets me bask in the feeling of it, to stay in the vibe of it.  The longer I stay in the vibe of Happy, the more Happy I will attract into my life.  The more Happy I have in my life, the more the UN-Happy circumstances and people will fall away, making room for more Happy.  Watching the stars at night reminds me everything is a cycle.  We move in and out of each others’ lives, in and out of situations and circumstances, a constant display before us of what it is we are attracting, what we are a vibrational match to.   

Knowing that, I can decide if yes, this is where I want to be right now or, no, I’d like an easier flow in my life.  If I want an easier flow, I simply need to take attention off whatever is harshing my mellow. By the focus of my willpower, I discipline myself to pivot my focus to happier thoughts whenever I need to move out of vibrational resonance with any buzzkill. That’s when the tide turns.  That’s when the flow moves some things away from me, and returns others to me. Life has taught me that I always know my vibrational stance, my vibrational point of attraction, by what I see playing out in front of me.

Watching the ocean under the night sky, listening to the surf, the occasional seagull, I feel everything is flowing as it should. I’ve taken a few months to get back into my own natural flow after being on someone else’s schedule for a year.  I’m getting back into routines and projects and people I let slip away, as well as meeting new friends and beginning new projects.  I’ve watched the tide turn the past few months. As drama fell away, I felt gratitude for the contrast that reminded me what a blessed and magical life I have. I appreciate everything so much more now. I returned from the beach awash in gratitude and appreciation, as tangible and sure as the sea spray that dampened my dress. Thank you, God/ Goddess/ Universe/ Whoever or Whatever is Up There or Out There, thank you for my life.

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