This again? This time under the guise of “seeking advice on reconciliation?” Count me out of this once and for all

I write this since it’s being brought up YET AGAIN when it was long over. In 2012 a friend and I argued and GOT OVER IT.  Afterwards, a mutual Facebook friend decided instead of amicably resolving through understanding and taking of personal responsibility (which he did) Someone needed to instead be ticked off and sue me.  Someone and I soon defriended Third Party.  Although WE had moved past it, the argument caused a lot of behind the scenes activity with FB “friends.”  I played down the fact of being harassed almost daily for months by people with phony profiles for accounts deactivated, because they thrived on the attention. It became clear who the source of the harassment was but I reported no one. I simply responded to their concerns in my blog.  I was accused of things they later found others had done, yet did not amend the blog accusing me. Third Party now, months later, is again actively making accusations about things she wasn’t in the picture to witness. Under the guise of “seeking advice on reconciliation,” she’s mentioning her story to many we mutually know.  Bless everyone she feels she needs to involve in this situation for whatever her agenda is.  Count me out. I delete her emails as they come in. Bless her. I moved on months ago.  It’s between he and I, period. If my friend and I have something to say to each other, one of us will reach out.  It’s not for anyone else to decide when or even if that ever needs to happen.