There is nothing to be forgiven unless I’ve been judging

Today at Unity of Melbourne Rev. Beth Daniel Head reminded that when we pray for something, we come to the altar having first forgiven anything in our lives that needs forgiveness. That’s the part lotsa folks leave outa the equation. They’ll pray for this and that but still be pissed at this one or hold a grudge against that one. It’s all related. Everything. It was a good talk!  From galpal Terri Mermis: “Interesting that the word forgiveness keeps crossing my path. I was in Barnes and Noble talking with a man who asked my opinion on forgiveness out of the clear blue. I told him I don’t have to forgive and he looked shocked.  I then went on to explain that I try to look at people and situations in such a way that there is no judgement or assumption that anything was done to me or about me to have to apply forgiveness. People are frail and flawed, it is never about me. If I look at things through divine creation, there is nothing to be forgiven unless I revert to thinking I have the right to judge the action in the first place. It is easier to apply a blanket forgiveness policy and just let others live their lives without my interference or perceived need.”

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