The reason one cannot be fixed is because you are NOT broken

From Facebook friend Gina Gallagher, relative to an ongoing conversation: “I have a different perspective about being broken. You can’t be fixed. I’m sorry, it is true. One can look at oneself over and over again, wanting more, wishing you were someone else, wishing you were better than the person you see in the mirror. But, no, you can’t be fixed. The reason one cannot be fixed and — pay close attention here — the reason One cannot be fixed is because you are NOT broken. You are exactly who you are and that can evolve into anything you decide. You are exactly where you need to be. And being that you are reading this, right now, you are exactly at the point where you can decide NOW, what is next and how you want to be.

I feel you, you are hurting. You are perhaps still feeling a little lost. Maybe you feel you are just destined to continue on this path of emptiness. STOP! Become present to the idea that everything that you have been through in your life has divine purpose.  In fact, it has lead you to be right here, right now and it has shaped who you are to the point that you are ready to create the life that you want. Without your experiences, especially the ones you call bad, you would never, and I mean never, have the desire, the passion and most of all the willingness to be what I refer to as The Real You. But, now that you are present to this moment and you are able to take your life’s experiences and look at them as lessons, you can now decide what it is that you want. Who are you? For years, in fact for your entire life you have defined yourself to be someone. Get this, the person you designed yourself to be is not the real you in it’s entirety.  In fact, the person you think is you is only a limited version of who you can truly be.  Stop being a victim of your past and become a master of your now and the creator of your future.