The only reason we don’t change water into wine or heal cancer with one touch is because our thoughts are scattered all over the place

A friend asked, “how do we stay focused on one thing at a time?” For me, I decide what to focus on, then I make myself cultivate an intense interest in it. So when I send a thought or a prayer out about it, I am focused ON IT, I am not focused on “the house is a mess and the kid won’t study and my husband isn’t speaking to me and the news is scary.” Just as you’re not using your segment of focus time to focus on, say, bowling, just the same, during this segment of focus time, you’re only thinking about your goal. Every other thought can wait. And the trick is that when you make those thoughts wait, you stop giving them regular attention and they fade away. Break the cycle of giving them regular attention.  If we knew how powerful our thoughts truly are, we would spend so little time on nonsense. We’d be so busy staying happy that we wouldn’t get involved in anyone else’s business and there’d be no conflict. It’s true. The only reason we don’t change water into wine or heal cancer with one touch is because our thoughts are scattered all over the place.  And now we will begin to schedule deliberate segments of time to focus on a goal.  Even if it’s just 15 solid minutes. Your life starts… Now.