Take what you have and make what you want! I had a good exercise in faith this morning. I’d gone for an early walk and was closer to a friend’s home than mine when it began raining, so I dashed onto his porch. I offered to cook breakfast in return for a ride home in the rain, since I had freshly baked potatoes. He challenged me to make breakfast at his place. Hmmm… upon first glance in the fridge, he had the typical bachelor ingredients: condiments, some lettuce, almond milk, not much. My exercise in faith was that, despite his fridge looking rather bare, there were a lot of wrapped items that could be just about anything. Fingers crossed!
I began unwrapping and found celery in 3 different places, so I consolidated it. I found nearly empty or expired condiments and tossed them. I arranged all the bottles out of the way on the upper shelves. He keeps everything mega clean, so it took just a little organization for the magic to occur: I found a giant red potato, two onions, baby carrots, a tomato, tortillas, jalapenos, avocado and some brown rice from the night before! SCORE!! At first glance, it looked like a bare cupboard. Once I took a deeper look and discarded what was no longer needed, I discovered the bounty! I can do that with my life, too. If it starts looking like there’s not much going on, I just need to look a little deeper and have the intent to find something useful. Take what I have and make what I want. You can do it, too. What is there around you right now that you can turn into something magically useful? Where ever you are, make a heaven of it.