Syncronicity and The Idiot Who Survives

Has anyone noticed this besides me?  On Facebook, there’s this silly post going around,  it says, “Go to your profile. Look to your left. First 7 friends are your Zombie Apocalypse Team. Here’s mine.”  Then you list them in the order they appear.  Mine were:
Sidekick: Tim Tedana
Heavy Weapons: Robert Goldberg
The idiot that survives: Morgana Starr
The Sniper: Miro Posavec
The one that loses it: Julie Hall
The Brains: Raymond Hines III
The First to Die: Sharon Greene

I don’t know what the name Zombie Apocalyse refers to exactly, a movie or game, but I get the drift. I didn’t think too much about the post I made, except thought it was funny that Morgana Starr was The Idiot Who Survives.   LOL   She would be.  Then, as friends began posting on their Walls, I began taking delight in who each had as The Idiot Who Survives and I began to see a pattern.

The first time it happened, my heart gave a little leap of happy at the news, then I began to see it again and again and again.  Granted it wasn’t everyone but it was a notable proportion.  Many friends who overcame some form of cancer in the past 10 years were being named as The Idiot Who Survives.  Friends who were currently undergoing cancer therapies were being named as The Idiot Who Survives.  I liked that little wink from the Universe.  With today’s new medical technology, cancer is no longer such a scary word.

And, as friends with it have told me, their thoughts are generally: “Each morning I wake up with the thought that it’s a good day to go and a good day to stay.  It doesn’t matter either way.”  That is such a free place to be.  I find it comforting to know there is no separation.  And that everyone I ever loved is on the other side waiting with open arms when it’s my time to cross.  I know it and believe it and have faith in it.  And when it feels like the next logical step, I’ll be there.

The end of death as we know it: What the crossing over experience is like as reported by those who have passed