Support can make or break a person

I wrote on Facebook yesterday:  “Say a prayer for me, please. A friend is going through a hard time and I’m trying to help as much as I can. ”  I got great responses, without question as to what was going on.   It’s one of those things where I’m not sure I’m supposed to jump in and try to fix it, but so many synchronicities happened that I feel I was put in place specifically to help.   I always consider if it’s just my savior complex. John S. Shore reminded me that “Support can make or break a person.”  I recall the times in my life that was so true.  Just a word or touch or knowing someone was there for me, even if not physically there, made all the difference in the world.  That’s what I want to be for whoever’s life I am called into.   And if it costs few dollars but I’d unexpectedly come into just the right number of dollars immediately beforehand, I can only think that is what it was meant to be used for.