She sees now that she had incorrect advance info about me

A new client just told me I’m nothing like she’d been led to expect. She’d only recently discovered me and the magazine which she found through a link on someone’s page.  She’d heard a story about a story and got curious and booked a series of sessions with me.  Now that she’s gotten to know me, she said, she realizes she’d received incorrect info about me, from a misguided individual with an obvious agenda. I can’t really blame the people who criticize me without first hand knowing anything about me.  I was just like them once, so I can empathize.  A friend tells a story that we pass on, not knowing the cosmic/karmic consequence we bring down on ourselves for not checking the truth before passing it along.  After awhile, we wise up and live only in the truth. Life’s too short not to. We live, we learn. We grow up, we do better. All in our own time.  My job is to keep loving no matter what comes back.
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