Savory lowfat chicken with rice recipe

Wednesday March 11, 2009. Andrea is cooking chicken and jasmine brown rice.  Or is it brown jasmine rice?  Anyway, I like green olives with my rice if I have chicken with it. Izzy is stationed at the oven door, he knows carcass is afoot!  Well, not afoot… anymore.  And I don’t know what he gets all excited for, he never eats any people food I give him.  He just gets all excited and gets all tangled up in my legs until whatever it is comes out of the oven.  Then I give him some and he’s all excited, and then he gets down close to it and looks back at me like I’ve tricked him.  I need to find Tammy who gave him to me and ask what did she used to cook that he keeps wanting.  Good grief, look at that sentence, and me a publisher.

It actually feels like of weird to be eating chicken on a full moon night, like it dumbs down the vibe or something.  But it’s been a stressful, busy day and I went to the store and while I was there decided to make some chicken.  Great recipe, too, and easy.

Buy a package of skinless, boneless chicken thighs.  I don’t know what cooking time or temp would be for chicken breasts, since the white meat has so much less fat.

Oven to 450

Chop the chicken up while it is still wrapped in the packaging.  Just slice through the package in 4-5 strips, then twice more across the center.  Separate it into several meals and freeze whatever you are not cooking tonight.

Pam Spray with Olive Oil on a shallow baking pan.  Dump the chicken into it and spread it out in the pan. It should be in chunks that are like the size of 2 bites.  They will shrink down to one bite each as they cook.  They should be in one layer in the pan, with a little space between them, just not all jammed up together (or the cooking time won’t be right).

Onto the chicken, sprinkle:

Black pepper, I give it 4 shakes

Ground garlic powder, I sprinkle a fine even layer over the entire surface of the meat.  Sometimes not so fine a layer.

1 Tablespoon each dried oregano, dried basil, dried rosemary, dried tarragon.

Set your timer for 35 minutes and put the chicken in the oven.

Start your rice. it will be done in 20 minutes.

When the chicken is done, take it out of the oven. Toss half a dozen or so green olives in the pan with the chicken.

Spoon the rice on top of the chicken, and mix it all around, using the small bit of oil in the pan to flavor the rice and olives.  If you like, you can add some chopped parsley here, too.

Finish with a couple of shots of Louisiana Hot Sauce. and mix it up well.

Ta dah!

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