Rest in Peace my Childhood Friend Wally Smith

Wally Smith cropped 72My childhood friend, Wally (Walter Clarence Smith) was born September 2, 1952 in Hialeah, FL.  He and his family lived down the street from us during our childhood years.  We were the best of friends.  We attended school together from elementary through graduation at Hialeah High in 1970.  We kept in touch as we grew older and moved away from our hometown.  Our last visit was just a month ago at his home.  He passed away on March 12, 2013.  He is survived by his loving sister, my dear, beloved friend Linda Smith.  Always one to chose his own destiny, it was Wally’s choice when to drop his earthly robes for his final walk.  You’ll be missed, my brother.  There will never be another like you. We’ll meet again.

The tide recedes but leaves behind
bright seashells on the sand.
The sun goes down, but gentle
warmth still lingers on the land.
The music stops, and yet it echoes
on in sweet refrains…..
For every joy that passes,
something beautiful remains

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