Reprogramming My Belief System and Feeling Blessed

I was thinking the other morning that am blessed to have my job.  I am blessed to have my life, that’s for sure.  Meaning: I’m blessed to know that how I think affects what comes to me, and that I can chose to exercise my free will to discipline myself to stay focused on things I like so that more things I like may come to me.

It sounds complicated, but it’s just me knowing my own power and knowing I have the power to choose to exercise it to move forward into a happy life.  It’s all just a matter of de-programming myself from faulty beliefs and re-programming my beliefs to be helpful and useful ones.

A friend has been talking to me about Brandon Bays The Journey work.  I read up about it online and was curious to discover how it compared to other NLP type emotional release work.  I read that it is a spin off of Tad James’ Master Time Line Therapy and in fact that reviewer did a good job of describing the current craze for the new wave of aspiring teachers to tout themselves as spiritual gurus and enlightened masters in order to market their wares.

I am not saying Brandon Bays technique does not work.  My friend is adamant that a chronic physical condition has been improved if not healed by her doing Bays’ Journey process.  I am just saying there are many alternative, NLP and meditation and visualization and self hypnosis techniques available to help you change your beliefs.  You don’t need to get caught in a marketing web in order to benefit by that kind of work.  I’m thinking of a few of those I won’t mention as friends would take it personally because they’re unknowingly caught in the web.

This new wave of teachers learns to extend their market by not just selling books and cds, but by offering certification courses to become a practitioner of their technique.  And it’s important that they stress that their technique is unique and there is nothing like it, and it is The Only Way.  Because a lot of your target market wants to believe that, and they won’t question it.  And they will come up with the hundreds and thousands of dollars to complete each new practitioner’s course level.

The reviewer was critical of Bays Journey for that reason as well, and had several good comments on the new age guru/marketer/booksellers: Miracles can literally happen, but not because miraculous techniques are used but rather because healing, resolution and enlightenment are a natural consequence when human beings do inner work and/or get together in open, loving and focused group situations. It is our natural propensity to become whole.

The truth is that we don’t need The Journey™ or Brandon Bays or NLP or expensive workshops and retreats to find wholeness; we just need honesty, the desire to change, the bravery to look inside ourselves, and each other, periodModern self-development techniques such as NLP and EFT are extremely powerful and have the potential to completely change our lives in a very short time indeed. The problem with them is that they are almost too effective and easy to execute — no longer do we need years of expensive one to one therapy to make profound psychological changes in our lives. ### end of article excerpt

There are a lot of techniques and modalities available for free online.  I find they all work if you work them.  If one does not work for you, do not drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what is wrong with it or you.  Simply move on to another until you find one you have no resistance to.  The below links might be helpful:

NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a behavioral technology, which simply means that it is a set of guiding principles and techniques about real-life behavior.  It allows you to change, acquire or eliminate behaviors, and gives you the ability to choose your mental, emotional, and physical states of well-being.

EFT  or Emotional Freedom Technique The theory of EFT is that negative emotions are caused by disturbances in the body’s energy field. You tap on acupuncture points while a specific traumatic memory is focused upon, in order to alleviate a psychological problem.

EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing There are two perspectives on EMDR therapy. One was that eye movement provides neurological and psychological effects that enhance the processing of traumatic memories. The other perspective is that eye movement is an epiphenomenon, unnecessary, and that EMDR is simply a form of desensitization.

Is NLP Hypnosis? I’ve gone to several hypnosis sessions with different practitioners, and am surprised at how few can actually put me under.  And I take suggestion easily.  I want to cooperate and so I am a good hypnosis candidate.  Yet 4 out of 5 could not induce me.  I know they had faith in their induction process, but as a fellow hypnotist, I knew right away where the problem was. The fact that they did not simply told me they had not quite learned that part yet.  But that is a most important part.  Once again, someone practicing something they have not yet become proficient at. 

I realize as I type this that I might be discouraging people who can benefit from all sorts of work by all sorts of teachers, no matter what they have to pay.  We all need to learn our lessons in our own way.  I’ve seen so much of it the last 20 years, I just get turned off by the hype. I get turned off by seeing someone come out with a good idea and then 200 wanna-be’s make a slight modification and sell the same product under a different name and go on a giant marketing campaign with exaggerated claims to do it.  Out of those 200 might be a handful who really have the proper technique and are able to teach it to others.  And 190 of those are just sqwaking noise and drowning out people who really have something to say, all in the name of marketing.  And this includes a lot of programs out there, including IBI, CEOSpace, Landmark, Forum, MMI, est, scientology and their spinoffs.

Through the years friends have invested thousands of dollars in the continuing sessions they must take to remain in these types of programs, and have nothing to show for it.  They are simply kept on a merry go round of classes and workshops and meetings and made to think they are moving toward their goal. Only when they took time out to contemplate what was really going on did they realize they were on the hamster wheel and got off.

But that’s the good thing about law of attraction, isn’t it?  We attract what we focus on.  So if we can determine what it is we actually want, and stay focused on that, we can be sure to attract the appropriate teacher.

Of course, I’m the one that determines whether I attract a sincere, authentic teacher, or one of the many of the new wave sprouting up out there that are more noise and promotion than substance.

That goes back to me feeling blessed to have my life, where I don’t vibrate in tune with a lot of hype and drama, and things run fairly smoothly and effortlessly.  Meaning: I’m blessed to know that how I think affects what comes to me, and that I can chose to stay focused on things I like so that more things I like may come to me.

And that means taking my attention completely off what anyone else is doing.

It’s none of my business anyway.

What is my business is finding something to appreciate right where I am.

Yes.  I am truly blessed.

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