REM sleep rocks!

Insomnia sure puts a dent in my festival of sleep. I’m always answering one more email or making one last edit and then end up crashed in the living room rather than just going to bed at first yawn. Then, as now, at 3:00am, contemplating which of valerian root, melatonin, coffea cruda, Calm’s Forte or GABA might let me sleep the most effectively today. On the plus side, with insomnia, I always have the time for yoga, meditation, creative visualization and working out. On the other hand, REM sleep rocks! I’ve been catching up on sleep. I had interesting dream, Tony Bennett singing Bob Marley’s Exodus in true Tony Bennett fashion. I love Tony Bennett, but this was just disturbing. Then I was handed my weekly paycheck for $11,538.47. As soon as I opened the envelope, the amount was displayed on large screen tvs that surrounded me. I wrote the amount down as soon as I woke up. I wondered what my tax implication for the year would be on $600k. Thanks REM sleep.