Poor Roomi — I get snippy when I’m sick

I did it again: I’ve got a head cold slowly migrating into my chest, and until today I’d forgotten I’d blogged about the same thing before.  I have no excuse.  I should have recognized it immediately.  I began the week with 2 days of  upset stomach, which morphed into a giant headcold for 2 days and is now moving into my chest.  I’m so seldom sick and when I am, it’s over quickly and never too uncomfortable.  Now I’m just playing the waiting game and letting it run its course.  It does kick my butt, though, and feeling weak and tired makes me gripey and whiney.  Poor Roomi.  I’m used to spending hours and hours in silence with my own thoughts and now each time I run into the office to type here, I feel like Grandfather sneaking behind the shed to smoke his cigs to get away from Grandmother.  But now I recognize that I’m both the grandfather AND the grandmother.  If I am who I say I am, what am I hiding from, and why does it make me snippy?