Pod people; I never change until I am ready to

I am getting the May Horizons Magazine off to the printer today. I finished it yesterday morning in time to go to the birthday celebration for The New Way POD.  They had a picnic under the a pavilion at Kelly Park in Merritt Island.  It was a beautiful day, and there was plenty of food, good music and best of all, I got to see a bunch of my buddies in person!  I’ve been working on special projects the past couple of months and have not gotten up that way on Sundays as I like to do.  Thankfully, there is a core group of them on Facebook that I get to stay connected with that way.  It was so much fun getting to hang out in person. 

Especially with this group, since everyone is always so fun and uplifting and just naturally so.  POD stands for people of diversity, since it is a group that meets on Sunday whose attendees have diverse religious backgrounds.  But I call them “the pod people” and am glad to be a pod person myself.  I feel like we’re the new peas in the pod. When you unzip us, goodness comes out, loving support comes out, encouragement comes out.  And maybe it comes naturally, and maybe we work hard at it, but we make it happen.  Not once during yesterday’s picnic did I hear anyone complain about the economy.  Or their partner.  Or their boss.  Or anything.  You know how you leave an event and then think over it to see what components helped make it so fun?  it wasn’t just what they brought to the table.  It was what they chose to leave at home.  What they chose to leave in the past.  Now these are folks who know how to party!

I’ve had good luck with my new self hypnosis OOBE – Out of Body Experience and Stop Smoking. One person had my Stop Smoking cd for a week when I wrote and asked him, “Any luck yet with Stop Smoking? It’s ok to say it’s not working yet. I know smoking is a tough one. Lemme know.”  He responded, “It helped when I was using it. Funny how a seemingly small change in habit can bring about immeasurable change.” He ended with a smiley face.

I can’t be mad that he stopped listening before seven days had passed.  He will hang on to it and have it for the next time he feels ready to quit.  I figure it’s like me and my eating habits.  I didn’t change them until I was ready to change them.  No matter that I had friends who were vegetarian and very healthy and into nutritional education, telling me years before to change my lumberjack eating style.  I was ready when I was ready and not a moment before.

That taught me a big lesson, since I had unknowingly jeopardized my health and incurred mega medical bills that are just now getting paid off.  I am so smart in other areas and pride myself on always contemplating the consequences before I take action.  Yet in that area for so many years, I was totally unconscious.  I simply had no interest in the topic at the time I had such good and valuable teachers around me.  An obvious example of me being out of vibrational alignment with someone even though we shared much space and time together.  But I also think that their influence was working on me at a subconscious level to help me get where I am today.  So it wasn’t all for naught.  I just had to wait until it built up and overflowed into my conscious thought and I got consciously interested in the topic.  Better late than never.

And now?  Now I try to soak up everything going on around me so that, even if I am not interested in a friend’s topic, I am open to the possibility that it can help me make a change for the better somewhere down the line.  Because when I’m being unconscious, I am not seeing the opportunities around me.  But at least now I’m conscious enough to know that I still go unconscious.  That I can still make some changes for the better, even though right now I may have no real interest in the topic.  That’s a start.

,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ :¦:-OOBE – Out of Body Experience $10 mp3
ø¤º°`°º¤ :¦:- Free mp3 file Universal Manager with $10 purchase