Ping Pong Hearts – the holiday back and forth begins

ping pongThis is a common theme during holidays. For many it’s a stressful time, and people can tend to bonk out. The sentimental season can draw us to familiar people who we might be better off without.  Since it’s a Universal pattern I see each holiday time, I share this here.  A galpal heard from an ex she’s ready to be done with, and wrote: “So… big conversation… some emails… and silence. Is this the ebb and flow of a “I need to feel safe and in control” return? (Sheesh…)”. I responded, “It’s some of that and some of “I don’t know what I want and until something else peaks my interest, I’m gonna toss random balls into your batting cage since it’s familiar and I need comforting right now.” There’ll likely be enough back and forth over the holidays to keep you hopeful yet irked and another disappearing act for January. I see another man at holiday time, any time now in fact. But it’s still not over… Whether that’s good news or bad news, don’t take score too soon.” And remember if  you’ve got your attention filled with the wrong one, there’s no room for the right one to come in.