Our words are powerful, they can change someone’s world

I love when someone tells me I gave them an entire new vocabulary for how they see their world, reframing past events as necessary steps in light of karmic implication, and having them seek in everyday moments the sacred and magical.  From the outside, she says, it may look to everyone else that she’s living her old life.  From the inside, however, it’s a huge world of wonder, filled with synchronicity, with everything falling into place, everything lining up, the past resolving itself, the future looking bright.  A friend said to me once “How blessed I was to find you.  Who so effortlessly showed me who I was and made me see through the lies I’d been told and began to believe myself.  Thank you.” It is my honor and privilege. Life is so much more hugely wonderful than we’ve ever been led to imagine.  Sometimes it just takes a sister looking at it from a new perspective to begin your own journey into unfolding your newly enchanted life.  Pssst!  This is also when you step onto your Path, start finding your  niche, learning what you came here to do and finding meaningful and fun ways to be in the world.  You can have it all. The story you tell yourself about your life directs how your life will go.  If you keep telling the old story, you’ll keep reliving the old life.

Sessions with Andrea


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