My script for an astral flight out of body OOBE

The following is my script for an astral flight out of body OOBE. It begins with a short relaxation induction.

I want you to close your eyes, and begin doing slow, deep, even breaths. Become aware of your entire body as you breathe.

With each breath, a warm relaxing feeling is moving into your body, as you feel deeper and deeper relaxed.  All tension is disappearing and even your bones are relaxing as all outside sounds disappear. 

Continue to breathe and relax your body.  You are drifting pleasantly downward, becoming more and more relaxed.  Even your bones are relaxing, and you feel deeper and deeper relaxed with every breath you take.

You could rouse yourself immediately if you needed to, but unless you really need to, you will drift deeper and deeper into relaxation.  Becoming deeper and deeper relaxed with every breath you take.

Now put your attention on your feet and legs.

Continue breathing, and then see and feel your feet and legs disappear. 

See and feel them being “not there.”

Put your attention on your waist and chest.

Continue breathing, and then see and feel your wait and chest disappear. 

See and feel them being “not there.”

Put your attention on your hands and arms.

Continue breathing, and then see and feel your hands and arms disappear. 

See and feel them being “not there.”

Now put your attention on your head.

Continue breathing, and then see and feel your head disappear.

See and feel it being “not there.”

Take several deep even breaths as you suspend yourself in the awareness of your physical body “being not there.”

Silently say, I am not the body; I exist independently of the body. I seek to explore higher levels of consciousness in a safe and protected way. I seek to attract loving and helpful influences that will make this happen easily and safely for me. I ask for the help and cooperation of those influences whose development and wisdom will be beneficial and constructive to me.

Being out of my body is a completely natural state, something that happens every night even though I don’t remember it.  The thought of being out of my body is an extremely calming and freeing thought to me.

I have the ability to leave my body, to return safely and to remember what happened.

I have the ability to become conscious and lucid when my astral body is out at night.
Tonight I will relax more deeply than I have ever relaxed before.  I will be able to release random thoughts.  I will be able to completely focus my awareness within.

Tonight as I dream, I will realize I am dreaming and I will take control of my dream.

I will remain wholly alert and remember as much as I need to remember.

Take a few deep breaths, and with each breath, feel your body expand. 

Do it now.

When you inhale, feel your body expand, almost to the size of the room you are in.

With each breath state, “I am ready to leave my body now.”

Do this for several breaths and take note of any response.

Whatever you experience is the right experience. 

With each breath, as you expand yourself, state, “I am ready to leave my body now.

You’ll want to state that several times.

Now concentrate on the area at your heart.  From this point, gently feel yourself exit from your physical body.  With each breath, feel your astral body begin to gently lift up and away from your physical form.  With every breath, you lift up just a little higher, like a helium balloon gently bobbing in the air.   You are lifting away in the form of your astral body.  This astral body is a like a protective shell, keeping you safe while you travel in your dreams and meditations.

You may begin to feel your body vibrating, it may begin at your feet and legs.  When this begins to happen, simply breathe into the vibrations and move them up your body.  Just imagine moving these vibrations up your body using the power of your mind.  The more you practice this, the easier it will be.

These vibrations are simply you attuning to the new energy.  You can use these vibrations as your signal that you getting into phase and getting ready to travel in your astral body.

You may decide to just go where you find yourself, or you may choose a location you would like to visit.  It may be somewhere in your home, it may be another location you are familiar with.  Imagine yourself in that location.  Imagine yourself, from your unique perspective, looking down on that scene.

In this world, in the astral dream world, you are able to travel to any place you choose, simply by thinking about it.  You are able to visit anyone you wish, simply by thinking about them.

If at any time you wish to return to your body, all you need to do is think about it.  You may also declare, “I will return to my body now.

Your astral body keeps you safe as you travel. You will feel confident and secure as you travel.  You will remember what you have experienced. 

Each time, you return with a deeper sense of how powerful you really are.  You are not the body.  You are not the mind.  You are not the emotions.  Who and what you are is greater than all that.  Who and what you are is a powerful part of all creation, and you have the freedom to travel wherever you desire. 

Now you’ll pick a location and travel there.  If you feel it’s not happening, simply pretend to travel to a location and see what unfolds from there.  Don’t question the experience, simply pay attention during the experience. 

When the music stops, you may either get up or fall into a natural sleep.  Either way, you will awaken very refreshed and revitalized, and your future travels will come easier. 

Now pick your location and take several deep breaths as you expand yourself, and state, “I am ready to leave my body now.”

(Slow Breath) “I am ready to leave my body now.”
 (Slow Breath) “I am ready to leave my body now.”

When you’re ready to return, count from 1 to 5 and when you say 5, you will open your eyes and return to waking consciousness.





Five, you are opening your eyes, wide awake, alert and refreshed.

I also have an Mp3 file of this named OOBE Body Not There.mp3