Thursday, April 30, 2009. I got up early yesterday and drove to Ocala and Cassadaga with the May Horizons Magazine. I love doing that drive. Plus I love getting to shop at the Mother Earth Market in Ocala. Since our Wild Oats in Melbourne closed, I miss the wide variety of vegetarian and natural foods. One thing I did discover, though, was that I make a way better hummus than they do! I originally tried a (packaged) carrot hummus spinach wrap from the deli there and loved it so much that I came home and made my own version (recipe here). So yesterday while I was there, I bought another one and ate it on the hour drive to Cassadaga. I make mine with canned garbanzos and lots of lemon, garlic and parlsey. After eating mine for several months now, I compared it to the sandwich I had today. No contest! It was quite the revelation.
It was a beautiful day and a beautiful drive. There is almost nothing I’d rather do than be driving on the road, seeing the sights around me. Sometimes I find a radio station playing music I like, sometimes I listen to my latest Abraham-Hicks cd of the month, sometimes I return phone calls. But mostly I like to drive in the silence.
I’m one of those people who loves the silence. I love travelling alone, doing things alone and being alone with my thoughts. A lot of friends ask to come along when I make my monthly trips, but I really prefer to go by myself. One reason is that I stay focused on where I am going and what I am doing, and I work things out in my head before I get there. Simple pre-paving. Like on the way to Ocala I was thinking about all the new locations we have up there and I was sending some good vibes out to each of the store owners and holding a vision for them of good business and happy times. My friend Janet Slimak lives in Ocala and she has been kind enough to help me by keeping the local businesses supplied with the magazine. So I spend some time on the way up there envisioning her personal success and her success with getting Horizons into the stores.
After that, on the drive to Cassadaga, I go over in my mind each of the advertisers I have there and I envision them flourishing and getting lots of business. I envision them renewing their ads and being happy with all facets of their lives. I think of what I know about each one and hold a vision in my mind of them reaching their loftiest goals and having supreme satisfaction.
That’s what I do on my drives to a location. If someone is in the car with me, we’re chatting about miscellaneous and sundry things, and that takes away several hours of creative visualization time. Yes, I like to visit with friends, but I also know how important it is for me to spend the time on the way somewhere pre-paving just how I’d like it to go. I haven’t been disapppointed yet.
A friend was talking to me about a trip they made to south Florida last week. They took along a friend, “just to have a companion for the ride” and then complained about having to listen to them talk the whole time about their problems. (Yes, complaining about complaining is still complaining.) The idea of having someone along just for company is foreign to me. I take my alone time and my silence time when I can get it and I relish in it.
A beautiful Thursday is dawning. Enjoy it!
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