My Birthday celebration on New Moon evening

Last night after dusk, I headed out to the firepit for new moon ceremony. This one was special, as it fell on my birthday.  My intention for this new moon was simply to attract honest, like minded friends with whom to engage in fulfilling and meaningful projects.  It’s already begun and more appear every day.    Last night’s ritual had more to do with gratitude, since I’m already in the flow.  First I dug up the crystals I buried last weekend and rinsed them in rainwater. I laid them on a scarf to dry as I prepared the small fire for the evening puja.  I could feel the intense fresh energy from the stones even though I was closer to the fire than to them.  That’s why you can’t always trust the seen world: I was closer to the flames than to my crystals, yet I could feel their energy more intensely.   

I gathered them into a basket and a short while later noticed the aura from the basket was bright and wide. After the fire ceremony, I went back into the house and began placing my crystals on the altars and in their areas.  I showered and washed my hair.  I applied organic virgin coconut oil mixed with myrrh and rosemary to my skin.  I sat to meditate an hour in my new meditation space, then went to bed.  I slept the best sleep I’ve had in a year: many, many hours and no sleep aids.  It was full of good dreams and I awoke feeling refreshed and energized.

Walking through the house this morning, the energy felt vibrant and alive.  I was glad for the shaking up of  2012 as it threw me into another life, giving me a break from my own.  That made the return to my own life that much sweeter. My renewed vibe also attracted the synchronistic return of a fave brother on the Path from a dozen years ago, someone I have history with and enjoy the company and conversation of. It’s as if, although I had no real wishes of “wanting” something for my birthday, I just automatically got everything I could ever have wished for.

Now to remember to pat myself on the back for having maintained,  in the face of discord, a happy and fun enough vibrational resonance  – via gratitude, forgiveness, creative visualization and clearing up past karmic debt – to make the evidence I see now, which includes evidence of my past momentum, be pleasant to me.   The Universe/God conspired with me to do it.  And as hard as the work can be sometimes, especially when the Universe puts the lesson right in your own front yard, it’s just an opportunity to do what needs to be done.  Only ever wish for others what you wish for yourself and forgive everyone everything. They are doing the best they can with what they know and being surrounded by the ones they are vibing with right now. We all are.  Always.  Make sure it’s always where you want to be.


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