My 8 new policies for eating healthy

Wednesday, May 13, 2009.    I feel back to normal today. I went to the bank and post office first thing yesterday while I had energy, then worked for about 5 hours on the June magazine.  Then I basically napped and lolled around the rest of the day while I took last minute ad deadline phone calls.   I ate very lightly: some soup, a Lean Cuisine turkey and vegetables meal for supper, a boiled potato with some broccoli for dinner.  So I am now kind of late working on the June Horizons but I think I can do it in time.  It always works out for me somehow.  When I know something has to be done on time, I always muster the  where with all to do it.  I am going to implement some new and improved policies for eating.  I already, for the most part, eat the right foods.  I still have a habit, though,  of overeating rice, bread and pasta.  My new policies include:

1.  At each eating segment, I will eat a meal the size of my fist.  Not the size of my head.

2.  I can eat this amount every 4 hours.

3.  Lettuce and raw vegetable salads can be half the size of my head.

4.  A serving of pasta or rice is one cup, not 4. (Ouch)

5.  The size of my protein and starch combined can be the size of a deck of cards.

6.  A baked potato serving is half a giant baking potato, not the whole thing.

7.  If I go to Subway, I have them cut the sandwich into thirds, and a meal is 1/3 the sandwich, not half.

8.  After sundown, I will eat only raw salads and clear soups or fruit.  One fist sized meal only during the hours between dusk and dawn.

Let’s see how that goes.

I’ll keep you posted.