Mindfulness practice heals the cells in our brain and body

Mindfulness practice does what no drugs can do.  It causes neural pathways to grow thicker and more robust, more capable of carrying signals.  Anyone can benefit from this. Childhood trauma can cause neurons connecting critical thinking with emotional control in the brain to whither and die. Mindfulness heals these connections.  Compassion, empathy, understanding, acceptance and other benefits come from daily sitting practice of mindfulness.  Here is a tip for parents: Daily sitting 25-30 minutes a day heals the neurons connecting critical thinking with emotional control in the brain.  No beta waves means no words, no words means no story.  Nothing better than a direct experience of the universe that is beyond words.  The real universe is so much bigger than can be defined by words or contained by thought we let go of the basis of thinking to experience it in all its magical glory.  It is akin to being reborn fresh and new when thought returns.  From gong musician/therapist/healer Richard Hite.